[ES_JOBS_NET] Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in Dartmouth's Climate Modeling & Impacts Group

Justin S. Mankin Justin.S.Mankin at dartmouth.edu
Fri Sep 4 08:56:43 MDT 2020

Postdoctoral Research Fellow in climate research at Dartmouth College
The Dartmouth Climate Modeling & Impacts Group (CMIG)<https://jsmankin.github.io/> in the Department of Geography at Dartmouth College<http://geography.dartmouth.edu/> seeks a postdoctoral fellow broadly interested in climate variability and change to join a dynamic and inclusive research group that pursues wide-ranging projects.
Example projects include questions on hydroclimate, snow, vegetation, wildfire, and drought; the influence of internal climate variability on adaptation decision-making; and/or detailed analyses of climate extremes and their downstream impacts on people and ecosystems. Candidates could develop new projects with the PI, support existing projects to completion, or pursue some combination therein, driven by their scientific interests.
A PhD in climate, atmospheric, or hydrological science (broadly defined) and experience running Earth System Model simulations and working in a Linux/Unix environment with version control, as well as experience with Python, NCL, or the like is preferred.
The initial appointment of one year beginning in Fall/Winter 2020/21 is renewable for an additional year. The salary is $62,000 per year paid in monthly installments. Benefits, which you can find details of here<https://www.dartmouth.edu/hrs/benefits/2020/neo_guide_2020.pdf>, correspond to a “Research Associate B.”
To apply, please upload a cover letter describing your research interests and experience, a two-page statement of your proposed research, a CV, and the names and contact information for at least three references to Interfolio<https://apply.interfolio.com/46746>.
Review of applications will begin October 15th, 2020 and will continue until the position is filled. CMIG<http://jsmankin.github.io/> is committed to being a diverse and inclusive lab group; we encourage women, people of color, people with disabilities, and veterans to apply. Email Justin Mankin<mailto:mankin at dartmouth.edu> with questions.
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