[ES_JOBS_NET] Post-doc at GWU: Integrating Public Health into Urban Climate and Air Quality Decision-making

Daniel Goldberg dgoldberg at email.gwu.edu
Thu Sep 3 13:01:24 MDT 2020

Opening for a post-doc in Dr. Susan Anenberg’s group at George Washington University. The post-doc will be working on a project to integrate public health into urban climate and air quality decision-making. 

For more details and to apply: https://www.gwu.jobs/postings/77326 <https://www.gwu.jobs/postings/77326>

Feel free to reach out to me (dgoldberg at gwu.edu <mailto:dgoldberg at gwu.edu>) or Dr. Susan Anenberg (sanenberg at gwu.edu <mailto:sanenberg at gwu.edu>) if you have any questions.

Dan Goldberg, Ph.D.
Research Scientist
Milken Institute School of Public Health
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