[ES_JOBS_NET] Senior scientist in climate dynamics, modeling and data analysis at University of Vienna

Aiko Voigt aiko.voigt at univie.ac.at
Mon Nov 30 03:26:30 MST 2020

Dear all,

I am looking for a senior scientist in climate dynamics, climate 
modeling and climate data analysis to join my new team at University in 
Vienna. The position is initially limited to 3 years and includes the 
possibility for permanent employment. The full advertisement is 
available at the Job Center of the University of Vienna with reference 
number 11596, also accessible via this link 

Please note that applications must be submitted via the Job Center of 
the University of Vienna (http://jobcenter.univie.ac.at). Applications 
submitted by 15 Jan 2021 will receive full consideration, although the 
search process will continue
until the position is filled.

For informal inquiries about the position, feel free to contact me 
(aiko.voigt at univie.ac.at). For inquiries about the formal procedure of 
the application, please contact Stefanie Weinberger 
(stefanie.weinberger at univie.ac.at).

Aiko Voigt

Univ. Prof. Dr. Aiko Voigt (starting Jan 1, 2021)
Department of Meteorology and Geophysics
University of Vienna
Althanstrasse 14 1090 Wien

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