[ES_JOBS_NET] PhD Assistantship in Air Quality Modeling, University of Utah

Heather Holmes heather.holmes at chemeng.utah.edu
Wed Nov 18 11:17:59 MST 2020

Applications are invited for Chemical Engineering PhD students to join the Atmospheric Turbulence and Air Quality Research Group (http://haholmes.wordpress.com/) at the University of Utah (UU). The Graduate Research Assistantship provides financial support for tuition, health benefits, and a monthly stipend. The position will be to conduct computational research toward a PhD degree under Dr. Heather Holmes in air pollution, numerical modeling, and atmospheric turbulence. The primary focus will be on numerical weather prediction models (WRF), chemical transport modeling (WRF-Chem, CMAQ), and source apportionment modeling to research atmospheric chemistry and physics in the western United States. 

Please find more information and details on how to apply in the attached PDF document.

Heather Holmes
Associate Professor
Department of Chemical Engineering
University of Utah

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