[ES_JOBS_NET] PhD (Experimental Position) at ETH Zurich in Atmospheric Physics on aerosol-cloud interactions

Zaminhussein Kanji zamin.kanji at alum.utoronto.ca
Wed Nov 11 13:37:20 MST 2020

Please distribute attached fully funded PhD position in CCN activation and organic surfactants at ETH Zurich, institute for atmospheric and climate sciences supervised by Zamin Kanji

Zamin A. Kanji
Group Leader - Atmospheric Physics Lab

ETH - Zürich
Institute for Atmospheric and Climate Science
Universitätstr. 16, CHN O 16.3
8092 Zurich, SWITZERLAND
zamin.kanji at env.ethz.ch<mailto:zamin.kanji at env.ethz.ch>
Phone: +41 (0) 44 633 61 61

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