[ES_JOBS_NET] Full Professor and Dept Head of Geosciences at the University of Connecticut

Hren, Michael michael.hren at uconn.edu
Tue Nov 3 12:20:54 MST 2020

Dear Colleagues,

The Department of Geosciences at the University of Connecticut invites applications for a faculty and administrative leadership position as the Department Head starting August 2021. The field of specialty is open; however, candidates whose research focuses on water within natural and/or human systems are highly encouraged to apply.


The Department of Geosciences at the University of Connecticut was established in 2019 through the reorganization of the Center of Integrative Geosciences (2004-2019) and offers interdisciplinary programs that advance understanding of the interactions between geological, biological, chemical, and physical processes. The Department consists of 11 tenured/tenure-track faculty, 4 joint and/or teaching faculty, a graduate program of ~20 PhD and MS students, and an undergraduate major of ~50 students. The Department Head will be tasked with guiding the Department of Geosciences at UConn toward continued growth as an internationally-recognized center of research and innovation. More information about the University of Connecticut Department of Geosciences can be found at https://geosciences.uconn.edu/

Please feel free to forward this advertisement to any interested candidates, and if you have any questions about the position, please contact Dr. Michael Hren



Michael Hren
Associate Professor
Dept Geosciences
University of Connecticut
Storrs, CT 06269

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