[ES_JOBS_NET] Summer postdoc/student position at USEPA: Role of organic species in criteria pollutant formation

Pye, Havala Pye.Havala at epa.gov
Tue Mar 3 15:01:09 MST 2020

Hello All,
A summer research opportunity for a student or postdoc is available at the US EPA in Research Triangle Park, NC.

This research project, role of organic species in criteria pollutant formation, has the potential to inform CMAQ model development and/or NEI methodologies.

The research participant will have the opportunity to participate in the following activities and/or learn to:

  *   collaborate with a team of scientists to understand how organic compounds (e.g. monoterpenes, constituents of volatile chemical products, etc) contribute to air quality
  *   estimate the magnitude of precursor emissions, speciation, and/or transformation products associated with organic species emitted into the atmosphere
  *   develop scientific hypotheses and perform data analysis to investigate how semi volatile, intermediate volatility, and volatile organic compounds as well as their oxidation products contribute to organic aerosol and ozone
  *   learn/apply techniques including box modeling, emission inventory development, regional chemical transport modeling, exposure modeling, and/or the interpretation of field and laboratory data

The research participant will be mentored by Havala Pye. The target start date is mid-May or later but is flexible to accommodate an academic schedule and summer break. The duration is 2.5-3 months. Interest in extension beyond 3 months can be discussed.

Applicants will be reviewed on a rolling basis starting March 18 until the position is filled. The project will be customized to the interests and skillset of the applicant.

For more information, including how to apply, see


Havala Olson Taylor Pye, Ph.D.
Physical Scientist
Office of Research and Development
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Research Triangle Park, North Carolina

Phone: (919) 541-3557
Email: Pye.Havala at epa.gov<mailto:Pye.Havala at epa.gov>

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