[ES_JOBS_NET] PhD in Root-Soil Interactions - Center for Environmental Research

E. Marie Muehe mmuehe at stanford.edu
Tue Jun 30 07:34:25 MDT 2020

The research group Plant Biogeochemistry at the Centre for Environmental 
Research (UFZ) in Leipzig, Germany, is looking to fill a position 
quickly with a motivated PhD student working on

  Biogeochemical Processes in the Root-Soil System

Funding for 4 years is available

Two of the greatest threats to soil health are a changing climate and 
increasing levels of metal contaminants. A fundamental knowledge gap 
exists as to how climate affects the availability of metals in root-soil 
systems and whether this could improve the remediation of contaminated 
soils by plants. In this project, we will elucidate how different 
climate scenarios impact the mobility of metals in the rhizospheres of 
metal-hyperaccumulating versus non-accumulating plants and how that 
translates to phytoremediation effectiveness.

We offer an international and dynamic work environment within the newly 
established research group Plant Biogeochemistry at the Department of 
Environmental Microbiology at the UFZ. The PhD candidate will be 
integrated into the UFZ graduate school HIGRADE.

Please submit your application with a cover and motivation letter, CV 
and copies of your certificates, and contact details of 2 referees to:



Dr. E. Marie Muehe
Helmholtz Young Investigator Group Leader
Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research UFZ, Leipzig, Germany, and
Center for Applied Geosciences, University of Tuebingen, Germany

Email: marie.muehe at ufz.de, eva-marie.muehe at uni-tuebingen.de; mmuehe at stanford.edu

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