[ES_JOBS_NET] Postdoc position - Hydro-economic modelling

Noémie Neverre n.neverre at gmail.com
Wed Jun 17 07:07:33 MDT 2020

Dear all,

Please find attached a postdoc opportunity at Géoressources &
Environnement, Bordeaux INP, France (in collaboration with the French
Geological Survey).

It’s a two-year position, starting in the fall.

Kind regards,


*Noémie NEVERRE*

*Environmental economist – PhD*

Direction Eau Environnement Processus et Analyses

1039 rue de Pinville

34000 Montpellier - France

Tel. : +33 (0)4 67 15 79 78

n.neverre at brgm.fr


www.brgm.eu <http://www.brgm.eu/?pk_campaign=signature-brgm&pk_kwd=url>
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