[ES_JOBS_NET] Lecturer, Geosciences Department at Princeton University

Christine Wiedinmyer Christine.Wiedinmyer at Colorado.EDU
Tue Jun 16 14:49:04 MDT 2020

Application for Lecturer

The Geosciences Department at Princeton University may have occasional openings for non-tenure-track Lecturers to teach during the 2020-21 academic year, beginning as early as the Fall 2020 semester. Duty time will be based on student enrollments and departmental need.

Depending on the qualifications and interests of the applicant and the needs of the department, job responsibilities may include such activities as teaching and developing lecture classes; teaching and developing lab-based classes; teaching secondary precept or lab sections; supervising graduate-student teaching assistants; grading problem sets and lab assignments; classroom and lab demonstrations; and supervising undergraduate research projects.

Candidates for these positions must carry a minimum of a Master's degree in Geosciences or a related discipline.

To apply, please submit a cover letter, CV and contact information for three references at https://www.princeton.edu/acad-positions/position/16361

Due to the volume of applications, only candidates selected for an interview will be contacted.  No letters of recommendation are required at this time.

These positions are subject to the University's background check policy.

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