[ES_JOBS_NET] Researcher Position on Climate Dynamics and Extremes in Uppsala University, Sweden

Gabriele Messori gabriele.messori15 at gmail.com
Thu Jun 11 23:32:42 MDT 2020

Researcher Position on Climate Dynamics and Extremes

Uppsala University, Sweden

There is an opening for a researcher position in my group in Uppsala
University. The start date is flexible and the position is for 21 months.
Do not hesitate to contact me (gabriele.messori at geo.uu.se) should you have
any questions.

*Further details and application form here: *


*The position*

The exact focus of the research is flexible, providing a unique opportunity
for the candidate to develop his/her own original ideas. Possible topics
may include – but are not limited to – the identification of recurring
planetary wave-breaking patterns linked to regional extremes, the use of
machine learning approaches and dynamical systems theory to characterise
the predictability of extremes and the use of numerical models to study the
occurrence of compound extremes. The researcher, if s/he so wishes, will
also have the opportunity to engage in teaching/supervising duties.

*The research group*

I coordinate a small, lively research group based at the Dept. of Earth
Sciences in Uppsala, which focuses on the dynamics of extreme climate
events in the mid and high latitudes and their interactions with other
components of the Earth System. I currently coordinate three nationally
funded research projects and a large H2020 consortium. More information on
our ongoing research can be found at https://gmessori.weebly.com/.

*The department*

Uppsala University is a comprehensive research-intensive university with a
strong international standing. The Department of Earth Sciences is one of
the most complete such academic departments in Europe. Our research focuses
on subjects that range from the Earth’s core to the atmosphere, on scales
from submicroscopic structures in minerals to the formation of mountains
and oceans. We have teaching at undergraduate and graduate levels. Please
visit: https://www.geo.uu.se/ <https://www.geo.uu.se/?languageId=1> for
more information about the department.

*Dr. Gabriele Messori* | Associate Professor in Meteorology | Department of
Earth Sciences | Uppsala University | Geocentrum, Villavägen 16, 752 36,
Uppsala | www.gmessori.weebly.com |
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