[ES_JOBS_NET] LA-ICP-MS position at US Geological Survey, Denver
Kate Souders
ksouders at gmail.com
Sun Jun 7 15:28:08 MDT 2020
Dear Colleagues,
I would like to draw your attention to a new job posting at the US
Geological Survey in Denver, Colorado.
This position is for a permanent laser ablation ICP-MS analyst in the
Geology Geophysics and Geochemistry Science Center focused on trace element
analysis of geological, biological and environmental samples. The analyst
will play a crucial role in the research geochemistry group, part of the
Minerals Resource Program. The group supports geologists and geochemists by
adapting or developing new analytical methods to answer scientific
The positions is open to all US citizens.
Details and information about the position are found at the link below:
DEN-2020-0293: https://www.usajobs.gov/GetJob/ViewDetails/569138200
Applications are currently being accepted only through the USAjobs website.
*The closing date for applications is: 16 June 2020.*
Please forward this link to interested parties or consider applying
A.Kate Souders, PhD
Research Geologist
US Geological Survey
Denver Federal Center
MS 963 (Building 95)
Denver, CO 80225
asouders at usgs.gov
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