[ES_JOBS_NET] Open Position in the NOAA CSL Tropospheric Chemistry Group

Steven Brown - NOAA Federal steven.s.brown at noaa.gov
Wed Jul 8 17:41:13 MDT 2020

The Tropospheric Chemistry Group at the NOAA Chemical Sciences Laboratory (https://esrl.noaa.gov/csl/groups/csl7/ <https://esrl.noaa.gov/csl/groups/csl7/>) has an open position for measurements of reactive nitrogen and ozone using fluorescence and chemiluminescence methods.  We are looking for strong experimentalists with an interest in aircraft research and instrument development and encourage applications from interested students, post-docs or early career scientists.  Position description and details at the link below.

https://jobs.colorado.edu/jobs/JobDetail/?jobId=26011&emailCampaignId=209 <https://jobs.colorado.edu/jobs/JobDetail/?jobId=26011&emailCampaignId=209>
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