[ES_JOBS_NET] PhD position: microplastics in snow Reno, NV USA

Monica Arienzo Monica.Arienzo at dri.edu
Fri Dec 18 17:08:18 MST 2020

Hi all, Please see information below about two PhD positions studying microplastics in snow.

Happy holidays,

Monica Arienzo

The Microplastics Lab at the Desert Research Institute (DRI) is recruiting two PhD students to study microplastics and snow hydrology. This successful applicant will be enrolled in the Graduate Program of Hydrologic Sciences (GPHS) at the University of Nevada, Reno (UNR).

Position: The students will study microplastics deposited within snow-dominated montane watersheds during periods of snow accumulation and melt in the Sierra Nevada of California and Nevada. These findings will be used to determine the sources of microplastics in the remote environment and their downstream fate in vulnerable, semi-arid watersheds.  As part of an ongoing DRI education activity, their research findings will be integrated into a middle school mobile teaching kit, to engage students in cutting-edge science at the middle school level.

Preferred Qualifications: An undergraduate or MS degree in geology and/or hydrology (or related field) with an interest in: fieldwork, analytical laboratory work, microplastics, snow hydrology, and/or water quality.

Please visit the lab website (https://www.dri.edu/labs/microplastics/) for information about our research program and the University of Nevada Reno Graduate Program of Hydrologic Sciences website (https://www.unr.edu/hydrologic-sciences) for information about the program and application process.  Applications must be received by January 5th for fall 2021 admission. Prospective applicants are asked to contact Dr. Monica Arienzo for further information (monica.arienzo at dri.edu<mailto:monica.arienzo at dri.edu<mailto:monica.arienzo at dri.edu%3cmailto:monica.arienzo at dri.edu>>).

In partnership between DRI and UNR, the Graduate Program of Hydrologic Sciences is one of the most well-established interdisciplinary programs of its kind in North America. The mission of the GPHS is provide outstanding academic training for students to become the hydrologists and hydrogeologists who will understand and address critical water challenges facing the world. The Program focuses on studies of water in the environment including its surface and subsurface roles in geologic and biogeochemical processes, ecosystem functions, and climate science.

This position is based in Reno NV, a wonderful city to live in, with its bike paths, the Truckee River, access to world-class skiing, hiking, mountain biking and trail running, and a well-connected airport. Reno is also located close to Lake Tahoe, Yosemite National Park, and Lassen National Park.

PUBLIC RECORDS NOTICE: In accordance with NRS Chapter 239, this email and responses, unless otherwise made confidential by law, may be subject to the Nevada Public Records laws and may be disclosed to the public upon request.
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