[ES_JOBS_NET] 1-year position in urban forest climate change adaptation

Leslie Brandt brand142 at umn.edu
Tue Aug 25 09:29:06 MDT 2020

The Northern Institute of Applied Climate Science and Michigan
Technological University are advertising a Climate Change Outreach
Specialist position (*Research Scientist I*), based remotely, term 12
months. This position would join the Climate Change Response Framework
team with a special focus on synthesizing and communicating how a changing
climate may affect forest ecology and management in urban areas.  The
position will translate science into practical educational outreach to
natural resource managers within the Midwest and Northeast regions of the

The Climate Change Response Framework is a collaborative, cross-boundary
approach among scientists, managers, and landowners to incorporate climate
change considerations into natural resource management. The climate change
outreach specialist will join the Climate Change Response Framework, and
participate in the ongoing development of the urban forest program.

The Climate Change Outreach Specialist will work with scientists to
synthesize research information and results into non-technical language for
a variety of audiences and collaborate with research and management
partners on carbon management, climate change, and forest management
related projects. This position will support outreach activities through
print- and web-based media, presentations, organization of workshops, and
other methods.

The new position will work as a staff member of the Northern Institute of
Applied Climate Science (http://www.niacs.org
Questions about this position can be directed to Leslie Brandt at
leslie.brandt at usda.gov.

This position is classified as “*Research Scientist I*” at Michigan
Technological University. Please see more details and apply through
Michigan Tech: https://forestadaptation.org/job
Michigan Technological University is an Equal Opportunity Educational
Institution/Equal Opportunity Employer, which includes providing equal
opportunity for protected veterans and individuals with disabilities.
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