[ES_JOBS_NET] Hydrologist Pathways position at NOAA PSL in Boulder, CO

Mimi Hughes - NOAA Federal mimi.hughes at noaa.gov
Mon Apr 13 11:37:45 MDT 2020

Dear all,

I’m writing to make you aware of a Pathways position for a hydrologist in
NOAA’s Physical Sciences Laboratory that opened today on USAJobs. This
position is for a hydrologist in our hydrometeorological modeling and
applications team <https://psl.noaa.gov/hydromet-modeling/>, focused on
evaluation of NOAA’s hydrological models and physical process
understanding, toward identifying areas of model improvement:

Pathways is a program to facilitate the hiring of recent graduates (within
2 years of most recent degree) in the US Federal government.

If you have any recent graduates you think would be interested in this
opportunity, please share this posting with them. And if you're a recent
grad yourself, please consider applying! The application period will close
on* April 28*.

Thank you,
Mimi Hughes

Mimi Hughes
Research Meteorologist
Phone: 303-497-4865 (work) 818-825-3540 (cell)
mimi.hughes at noaa.gov
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