[ES_JOBS_NET] Albion College - Assistant Professor of Hydrogeology and Environmental Geology

Madeline Marshall mmarshall at albion.edu
Wed Sep 4 06:29:53 MDT 2019

We are hiring for a tenure-track hydrogeology position and will conduct
some preliminary interviews at GSA in Phoenix. We request candidates get in
a cover letter and CV by* September 15th* for those interviews. The final
application is due October 25th. See the ad below and apply at:

*Hydrogeology and Environmental Geology*

The Albion College Department of Geological Sciences invites applications
for a tenure-track Assistant Professor of Hydrogeology and Environmental
Geology beginning August 2020.

The successful candidate will have a Ph.D. prior to the date of appointment
and will have demonstrated teaching and research interests in hydrogeology
and environmental geology. The successful candidate will normally teach two
courses (lectures and labs) per semester to a diverse student body. The
courses include introductory and advanced undergraduate courses in
hydrogeology, environmental geochemistry, and an area of specialization
that will enhance and complement our undergraduate geology and
interdisciplinary environmental curricula. The department offers a
nationally recognized biennial Summer Field Camp in the Rockies and annual
regional geology field trips.  Candidates with interests in
interdisciplinary collaborations, field-based research and teaching, GIS,
and engagement in local environmental issues and the Center for
Sustainability and the Environment are particularly desirable. Interest in
curricular innovation and increasing diversity and inclusion in geology
both in the classroom and field are also valued. Candidates are expected to
conduct research that includes undergraduate students, participate in
co-curricular departmental activities, and contribute to all-college
programs and/or interdisciplinary programs.

The institution and department have well-funded undergraduate and faculty
research initiatives and strongly support faculty travel, teaching, and
scholarship. The Department of Geological Sciences has five FTE faculty
positions and two technicians and is well equipped with a dedicated GIS
computer lab, analytical instruments (including XRF, XRD, ICP-OES), and
field equipment (extensive GPS, surveying, water quality multi-parameter
sondes). Departmental facilities include seven teaching labs, six faculty
research labs, a student research lab, and a dedicated environmental
geochemistry lab.

Albion College is a small (1550 undergraduates) private, residential,
liberal arts college located in a racially diverse community of about 9,000
in south-central Michigan. Albion College is dedicated to the highest
quality in undergraduate education, with a commitment to diversity as a
core institutional value. The College is committed to a policy of equal
opportunity and non-discrimination on the basis of race, color, national
origin, sexual orientation, religion, sex, gender, age or disability, as
protected by law, in all educational programs and activities, admission of
students and conditions of employment. *Albion is especially interested in
candidates who will contribute to a campus climate that supports equality
and diversity. *

Candidates should submit a cover letter; current vita; graduate and
undergraduate transcripts; documentation of teaching excellence;
undergraduate teaching statement that includes pedagogy, experiences,
objectives and commitment to equity and inclusion; a research statement
that includes a plan to incorporate students; and letters from at least
three references to https://apply.interfolio.com/64680. Direct questions to
Dr. Carrie Menold, cmenold at albion.edu.  The deadline for submission of the
complete application is October 25th. Submissions of vita and cover letter
received by September 15th will be considered for an in-person interview at
GSA Annual Meeting in Phoenix (Sept. 23-24); other preliminary interviews
will be held after October 25th.

Madeline S. Marshall, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Geological Sciences
Albion College
mmarshall at albion.edu
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