[ES_JOBS_NET] Tenure-track Job Polar/Arctic Ecosystems and Ecological Modeling part of cluster hire at UW-Madison
marinspiotta at wisc.edu
Thu Oct 31 14:56:58 MDT 2019
Please share with your colleagues and students this announcement of a tenure-track job opening in the area of polar/Arctic ecosystems and ecological modeling. This is part of a three-position tenure-track cluster hire at the University of Wisconsin-Madison in Emerging Polar Regions. Review of applicant materials will begin after Nov. 22.
A flyer is attached and the full ad is available here: https://jobs.hr.wisc.edu/en-us/job/503143/assistant-or-associate-professor-of-polar-ecologycluster-hire
The three new faculty members will each accentuate existing strengths on campus while bringing their own unique expertise, thereby facilitating the research and teaching mission of the university. Candidates are expected to develop a nationally recognized program of scholarly research; teach courses at the undergraduate and graduate level; advise and mentor undergraduate and graduate students; and contribute to local, university, and national service as appropriate for career stage. We are particularly interested in candidates who will contribute to an inclusive environment, bring new perspectives on mentoring and educating students from diverse backgrounds, and pursue novel approaches to research.
The primary selection criteria will be evidence of potential for developing a significant research program in polar/Arctic ecology and ecosystems with a focus on modeling or data-model integration, the ability to contribute to teaching that integrates ecology with other earth system disciplines, a demonstrated commitment to enhancing inclusivity and diversity, and a strong commitment to the intellectual and academic mission of the associated home department(s) and university as a whole. Doctorate required in biogeography, ecology, ecosystem science, environmental science, integrative biology, or closely related field.
Applicants should submit a single PDF that includes: cover letter, curriculum vitae, the names and contact information of three references, and three statements discussing 1) research interests and directions, 2) teaching interest and philosophy, and 3) contributions to diversity and inclusion, respectively. References of finalists will be contacted and asked to provide a letter of recommendation. These materials must be submitted online at: https://jobs.hr.wisc.edu/en-us/job/503143/assistant-or-associate-professor-of-polar-ecologycluster-hire
The appointment may begin as early as August 17, 2020. The deadline for ensuring full consideration is November 22, 2019, however the position will remain open and applications may be considered until the position is filled. For further information or questions, please direct all correspondence to polarecocluster at wisc.edu<mailto:polarecocluster at wisc.edu>
Prof. Erika Marín-Spiotta
Biogeography and Biogeochemistry Research Group
Department of Geography
University of Wisconsin-Madison
550 North Park St
Madison, WI 53706
marinspiotta at wisc.edu<mailto:marinspiotta at wisc.edu>
Pronouns used: she/her/hers
Office/Lab: Science Hall 223/230
Lab phone: 608-262-1855
Biogeolab website: marinspiotta.com<http://marinspiotta.com/>
ADVANCEGeo Partnership<https://serc.carleton.edu/advancegeo>: Empowering geoscientists to transform workplace climate
Earth Science Women's Network (ESWN<http://eswnonline.org/>)
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