[ES_JOBS_NET] Senior Numerical Weather Prediction Lead, Spire, Boulder, CO

Christine Wiedinmyer christine.wiedinmyer.ucar at gmail.com
Tue Oct 22 12:50:18 MDT 2019



Senior Numerical Weather Prediction Lead


Spire Global is seeking an experienced and motivated
<https://www.spire.com/spirepedia/numerical-weather-prediction-nwp> NWP
(Numerical Weather Prediction) modeler to lead a model team to implement,
improve and validate its global weather forecast systems including the
next-generation non-hydrostatic global model dynamical cores and physical
parameterization packages suitable for high-impact weather forecasts at high
resolution globally.

Spire Global weather forecasting systems, including data assimilation, are
developed in support of our satellite missions to test the value and impact
of large number of Radio Occultation (GNSS-RO) soundings on global weather

This is an exciting opportunity for a motivated
<https://www.spire.com/spirepedia/numerical-weather-prediction-nwp> NWP
modeler to lead an
<https://www.spire.com/spirepedia/numerical-weather-prediction-nwp> NWP
team. The selectee will work with data assimilation and software engineers
(SEs) in Spire, as well as scientists from around the world to assimilate
unprecedented amounts of GNSS-RO satellite data to make weather forecasts
better. The successful candidates will join our weather team at Spire branch
office in Boulder, Colorado, USA.

The goal of the successful candidate is to lead Spire's
<https://www.spire.com/spirepedia/numerical-weather-prediction-nwp> NWP team
to develop and deliver a state-of-art next generation non-hydrostatic global
model and to collaborate with Spire's data assimilation scientists and
software engineers to assimilate and demonstrate the positive impact of
large amounts of R-O data on weather forecasts. The model team will also
support the technical products team for weather business opportunities.

Responsibilities include following tasks:

*	Further development and improvement on Spire next generation
non-hydrostatic global model suitable for high-resolution, high-impact
weather forecasts.
*	Leading modeling efforts to integrate dynamics and physics
components into Spire's modeling systems.
*	Overseeing Spire's model high-resolution daily runs to deliver world
class weather forecasts.
*	Coordinating model team efforts to support data assimilation
scientists in use of Spire's Radio Occultation data to improve weather
*	Providing technical assistance to Spire technical product and
business teams in supporting Spire business campaigns.
*	Presenting Spire model activities in scientific conferences and/or
prompting Spire world class weather forecast performance in business


*	Applicant must have a PhD degree in Meteorology, Atmospheric
Science, or other related fields with at least five years' atmospheric model
development experience.
*	In-depth knowledge and hands-on experience in state-of-the-art
dynamical cores and/or physical parameterizations suitable for
<https://www.spire.com/spirepedia/numerical-weather-prediction-nwp> NWP
*	Proven track record of leading a team to develop
<https://www.spire.com/spirepedia/numerical-weather-prediction-nwp> NWP
models for weather forecasts
*	In-depth knowledge of
<https://www.spire.com/spirepedia/numerical-weather-prediction-nwp> NWP
model's applications to real-time weather forecasts, their programming,
testing and quality assurance,
*	Demonstrated ability to inspire, lead and manage a team of PhD level
modelers to accomplish successful projects
*	Good understanding of
<https://www.spire.com/spirepedia/numerical-weather-prediction-nwp> NWP
model's applications to satellite data assimilations is desirable.

Spire Global is a space-to-cloud analytics company that owns and operates
the largest multi-purpose constellation of satellites. Its proprietary data
and algorithms provide the most advanced maritime, aviation, and weather
tracking in the world. In addition to its constellation, Spire's data
infrastructure includes a global  <https://www.spire.com/spirepedia/afasdf>
ground station network and 24/7 operations that provide real-time global
coverage of every point on Earth.


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