[ES_JOBS_NET] WDFW Habitat Strategic Initiative job announcement

Griffiths, Jennifer R (DFW) Jennifer.Griffiths at dfw.wa.gov
Wed Jun 19 14:19:08 MDT 2019


The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife is recruiting a new team member for the Habitat Strategic Initiative<https://pugetsoundestuary.wa.gov/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/ConfluenceFactsheet.pdf> (Habitat SI). The Habitat SI advances Puget Sound habitat recovery as part of the Puget Sound National Estuary Program. We are seeking an exceptional and enthusiastic candidate to join our dynamic, fun, and collaborative inter-agency (WDFW and Department of Natural Resources (WDNR)) team.

The purpose of this dynamic position is to implement recovery strategies through leading the grant program and communicating results for the Habitat Strategic Initiative Team (Habitat SI Team). Under a cooperative agreement with Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), WDFW, in partnership with Washington Dept. of Natural Resources (DNR), leads the Habitat Strategic Initiative. The purpose of the agreement and the Habitat Strategic Initiative is to lead Puget Sound habitat restoration and protection by participating in the creation and implementation of the Puget Sound Action Agenda (learn more at https://pugetsoundestuary.wa.gov/).  This position is part of the cross-agency team and leads the implementation of recovery strategies (Implementation Strategies) through managing a strategic sub-award process and the communication of Habitat SI Team work and sub-award deliverables.

The full position announcement and directions for applying are available here<https://www.governmentjobs.com/careers/washington/jobs/2482540/environmental-planner-4-06010h>. The position is now open and closes June 30.

Please distribute this announcement to your networks, thank you!


Jennifer Griffiths, Ph.D.
Habitat Strategic Initiative Lead
Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife
jennifer.griffiths at dfw.wa.gov | 360-902-2212
Telework W/F please email those days

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