[ES_JOBS_NET] Administrative Staff Director, UC Riverside Natural Reserves

Marilyn Fogel marilyn.fogel at ucr.edu
Thu Jun 6 17:58:19 MDT 2019


The University of California Riverside Natural Reserve System (UCR NRS)
administers 6 of 39 reserves within the University of California Natural
Reserve System (NRS). In addition there are three satellite reserves under
UCR's purview. As a Campus Administrative Director for the Natural Reserves,
the incumbent will work on-campus to provide essential administrative &
logistical support to site staff & their operations. The incumbent will be
responsible for supporting and facilitating programmatic activities for UCR
NRS with joint responsibility for most administrative, budgetary and
development activities. Working within an administrative unit and reporting
to UCR's Campus Faculty Director the incumbent works to support personnel of
the UCR NRS in a variety of ways to include grant writing to bolster
research, teaching and outreach, fund raising to increase NRS philanthropy
and donorship, strategic planning in support of consensus related to
long-range goals for UCR NRS and implementing programmatic initiatives, both
directly and in a supporting role, to increase visibility of UCR NRS sites.
A key component of this role is responsibility for administrative oversight
to the UCR NRS Advisory Committee. In addition to working closely with
committee members & Faculty Director, the incumbent also interacts with a
broad audience of stakeholders to include UC NRS Systemwide office, all
staff of the UCR NRS, the College of Natural and Agricultural Sciences
(CNAS) Dean, the Financial & Administrative Officer within the
administrative unit and campus affiliates providing services to UCR NRS. The
incumbent will also engage external stakeholders to include government &
private agencies, academic bodies and other sectors as appropriate. This
recruitment is for a career position.  Please note that 3 years of funding
has been secured at this time.  It is our goal to retain this position in
career status beyond three year commitment, subject to funding availability.
Interviews are expected to be scheduled during the week of July 15.

Please post. Marilyn Fogel
Dr. Marilyn L. Fogel,
Distinguished Professor and Wilbur W. Mayhew Professor of Geo-Ecology
Director of the Environmental Dynamics and Geo-Ecology Institute
Dept. of Earth Sciences
University of California Riverside
900 University Ave.
Riverside, CA 92521
marilyn.fogel at ucr.edu
Phone: 209-205-6743

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