[ES_JOBS_NET] PhD opportunities in Atmospheric Physics and Climate Change at UCLA

Jasper Kok jfkok at ucla.edu
Wed Dec 4 16:24:06 MST 2019

*PhD opportunities in Atmospheric Physics and Climate Change at UCLA. *One
or more PhD positions are available in the Earth, Wind & Particles research
group in the Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences at UCLA.
Projects will seek to understand and describe processes important to the
effects of particles (aerosols) on climate and climate change, and will
likely involve radiative transfer, numerical modeling, statistical data
analysis, and/or climate modeling. Contact Prof. Jasper Kok at
jfkok at ucla.edu for more information, or see http://jasperfkok.com

The deadline for Fall 2020 admission is December 10th, 2019 and more
information on the PhD program can be found at
https://atmos.ucla.edu/students/graduate/phd-program. Desired
qualifications include strong quantitative skills and a B.S. or M.S. in
physics, atmospheric sciences, engineering, mathematics or related fields
by the expected Fall 2020 start date. Interest from women and
underrepresented minorities is particularly encouraged, and U.S.
citizenship or residency is not required.

Associate Professor
Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences
University of California, Los Angeles
Math Sciences Building 7142
Email: jfkok at ucla.edu
Website: http://jasperfkok.com
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