[ES_JOBS_NET] UPDATED POST!!POSTDOCTORAL position in Physical Oceanography, Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science at the University of Miami.

Christine Wiedinmyer Christine.Wiedinmyer at Colorado.EDU
Wed Mar 14 08:43:13 MDT 2018

UPDATED POST!!! (Ignore post from March 13)

POSTDOCTORAL position in Physical Oceanography / Ocean Observing
Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science at the University of Miami

Applications are invited from candidates with a recent PhD in physical oceanography or similar. Experience in collection and analysis of observed datasets is desirable. The successful candidate will study in situ volume, heat, and salt transports in the context of other measurements and models, and will participate in a scientific cruise off South Africa. This project is part of a US-South African collaboration to develop sustained observations of the Agulhas Current as part of the Global Ocean Observing System. This position is available for two years beginning around August 2018, the second year subject to renewal upon performance. Starting salary is $54,000.

Applicants should apply online at https://um.hodesiq.com/job_detail.asp?JobID=5547134&user_id=&ViewAll= and submit a brief research statement, a CV, and the contact information for two referees to Prof. Lisa Beal (lbeal-at-rsmas.miami.edu<http://lbeal-at-rsmas.miami.edu/>). Applications will be considered and interviews scheduled in May-June 2018.

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