[ES_JOBS_NET] Marine Biogeochemistry PostDoc @ RSES, ANU

Oscar Branson oscarbranson at gmail.com
Tue Oct 10 16:54:10 MDT 2017

Full Details and Applications

Marine Biogeochemistry Postdoc @ RSES, ANU (Australia)
The Research School of Earth Sciences invites applications for a 2½ year
position (Level A) within the Biogeochemistry group. The post-doctoral
position is framed around marine biogeochemistry with an emphasis on
element and isotope cycling in the ocean. We are seeking a motivated person
to contribute to Australian Research Council funded projects in the
following areas:

   - Trace element and isotope cycling in the ocean, with an emphasis on
   understanding micronutrient (e.g. iron and zinc) availability to

   Elemental and isotope analysis of dissolved calcium, magnesium in coral
   reef systems, to constrain biotic and abiotic calcium carbonate formation.

Research facilities to support this research include two Neptune
multi-collector ICPMS instruments, an Element XR high resolution ICPMS, a
Varian 820 quadrupole ICPMS, a Varian ICP-AES, an Ar-F 154/193nm excimer
laser system, a clean-laboratory and various wet chemistry laboratories.

The successful applicant will have a PhD degree in marine chemistry, marine
biogeochemistry or related field, with preference given to candidates with
trace element or isotope expertise. The candidate will be required to
assist with field work (e.g. Southern Ocean voyages and coral reef
sampling). Candidates should demonstrate an excellent emerginc publication
record relative to opportunity.
Position overview

The ANU College of Science (CoS) comprises: the Research School of
Astronomy and Astrophysics, the Research School of Biology, the Research
School of Chemistry, the Research School of Earth Science, the Fenner
School of Environment and Society, the Mathematical Sciences Institute, the
Research School of Physics and Engineering, and the Centre for the Public
Awareness of Science.  Staff and students within the ANU College of Science
conduct research using world class research facilities and deliver a
research-led education program encompassing the breadth of sciences.  The
College has a strong tradition of supporting research excellence that has
fostered distinguished Nobel Laureates and Kyoto Prize winners and that
trains scientific leaders in disciplines in which the ANU is consistently
ranked among the top universities in the world.

*For additional information, please contact Dr Michael Ellwood T: 6125 8322
 E:  michael.ellwood at anu.edu.au <michael.ellwood at anu.edu.au>*

The University actively encourages applications from Aboriginal and Torres
Strait Islander people. For more information on employment opportunities,
contact our Indigenous Employment Consultant via:
indigenous.employment at anu.edu.au  <indigenous.employment at anu.edu.au>

ANU values diversity and inclusion and is committed to providing equal
employment opportunities to those of all backgrounds and identities. For
more information about staff equity at ANU, visit
Application information

To apply for this position please ensure you upload the following documents:

   - A statement addressing the selection criteria.
   - A current curriculum vitae (CV) which includes the names and contact
   details of at least three referees (preferably including a current or
   previous supervisor). If your CV does not include referees you can complete
   these online when prompted in the application form.
   - Other documents, if required.
   - Applications:

Dr Oscar Branson
Research School of Earth Sciences
Australian National University
oscarbranson at gmail.com
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