[ES_JOBS_NET] FW: Faculty position at Villanova

Virginia Smith virginia.smith at villanova.edu
Wed Oct 26 13:05:04 MDT 2016

Dear Colleagues,

The Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Villanova University is searching for a full-time tenure-track assistant professor in geotechnical engineering.  The position announcement is attached to this email. Applications must be completed online at https://jobs.villanova.edu/<https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fjobs.villanova.edu%2F&data=01%7C01%7Ckristin.sample-lord%40villanova.edu%7C3657eb1c7ba04a08771808d3f1f98bce%7C765a8de5cf9444f09cafae5bf8cfa366%7C1&sdata=7MOekAsABD%2B5dViwnPNLL5lFPM4fl8na4OUsDKCgiwg%3D&reserved=0> (Posting number 2016339F).

The ad purposely was written to encompass a broad range of geotechnical and geoenvironmental research backgrounds, in an effort to find the best candidate, rather than focus on one specific area of expertise.

Please feel free to contact Kristin Sample-Lord (kristin.sample-lord at villanova.edu<mailto:kristin.sample-lord at villanova.edu>) if you have questions regarding the position.

Best Regards,

(Co-chair of the search committee)

Kristin M. Sample-Lord, PhD, PE
Assistant Professor
Civil and Environmental Engineering Department
800 Lancaster Avenue
Villanova University
Villanova, PA 19085
Office: 141 Tolentine Hall
Tel: 610-519-7398

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