[ES_JOBS_NET] MS position in Soil Microbial Ecology at University of Wyoming

Linda T.A. van Diepen linda.vandiepen at uwyo.edu
Wed Jan 20 12:38:56 MST 2016

Dear all,

The Soil Microbial Ecology lab in the Department of Ecosystem Science and Management at the University of Wyoming, Laramie, has a M.S. graduate assistantship available starting in summer/fall 2016.

We are seeking a highly-motivated M.S. student to do research on community ecology and physiology of soil microorganisms in response to environmental disturbances such as invasive species, mining, and wildfire. A wide range of research topics are possible including:

  *    Soil remediation of contaminated mine lands.
  *    Role of soil microorganisms in restoration of forests after wildfire.
  *    Microbial interactions with invasive plant species, e.g. cheatgrass.
  *    Effects of top-soil stock piling on soil microorganisms and consequences for mine land reclamation.

The ideal candidate will have a B.S. degree in soil science, ecology, microbiology, environmental science or closely related discipline, and experience or a strong interest in soil ecology, molecular microbiology, biogeochemistry, and statistics.
For more information, please contact Dr. Linda van Diepen, Assistant Professor in Soil Microbial Ecology at linda.vandiepen at uwyo.edu<mailto:linda.vandiepen at uwyo.edu>.
Applications can be emailed to Dr. van Diepen with “prospective graduate student” as the subject line, and should include the following in a single pdf: 1) statement of interest, 2) complete C.V., 3) unofficial transcripts, 4) unofficial GRE scores, and 5) contact information for three references.

More information about University of Wyoming and the Department of Ecosystem Science and Management can be found here: http://www.uwyo.edu/esm/index.html

Linda van Diepen
Assistant Professor
Department of Ecosystem Science and Management
University of Wyoming, Dept. 3354
1000 E. University Ave.
Laramie, WY 82071
linda.vandiepen at uwyo.edu<mailto:lvandiep at uwyo.edu>
Office: 307-766-2781

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