[ES_JOBS_NET] Aquatic Biochemist, South Australian Research and Development Institute - Aquatic Sciences, West Beach, SA, Australia

Erika Marín-Spiotta marinspiotta at wisc.edu
Fri Nov 13 09:53:05 MST 2015

From:    "Nayar, Sasi (PIRSA-SARDI)" <Sasi.Nayar at SA.GOV.AU>
Subject: Aquatic Biochemist, South Australian Research and Development
Institute - Aquatic Sciences, West Beach, SA, Australia

Hi all
Although this position is advertised as a part-time position, there is a
high probability that it may end up being a full time position subject to a
grant being approved.
Vacancy No. 2015-7302
Adelaide Metro (West Beach)
Contract, Part Time up to 31/10/2016
$75,856 - $84,507 per annum (Salary adjusted according to actual hours work
ed), PO2

The Aquatic Biochemist belongs to the Aquaculture Program, SARDI - Aquatic =
Sciences within the South Australian Research and Development Institute (SA=
SARDI provides research and development services to the state government, c=
ommercial clients and research partners to help make South Australia's prim=
ary industries and regions internationally competitive and ecologically sus=
tainable. SARDI's programs are designed to increase the productivity, susta=
inability and adaptability of the state's agriculture, food and wine, fishe=
ries and aquaculture and bioscience enterprises, create opportunities for m=
arket growth, address barriers to growth and provide applied solutions.
The Aquatic Biochemist will provide their significant expertise in enhancin=
g the capability within the Algal Production Group and the NCRIS Algae and =
Biofuels Facility. The incumbent will be responsible for the operation and =
interpretation of outputs from High performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC=
), Gas Chromatography (GC), Gas Chromatography Mass Spectroscopy (GCMS) and=
 other specialised analytical equipment. The incumbent will also be respons=
ible for developing, improving and optimising new and existing analytical p=
rotocols utilised by the program. The development and management of standar=
d operating procedures (SOP's) for the Algal Production Group's laboratory =
is also part of the role. Data entry, management, storage and analysis, and=
 report writing are integral to the role. The Aquatic Biochemist will also =
assist the subprogram leader with preparation of grant proposals.
A PhD or a master's degree in biochemistry or equivalent with research and =
analytical experience is required.
This is a part time vacancy, working 45 hours per fortnight and salary will=
 be adjusted according to actual hours worked. A current Class C drivers li=
cence is required. Work outside normal working hours and on weekends will b=
e required. Intrastate and occasional interstate travel may be required, in=
cluding absence overnight.
Enquiries to:
Dr Sasi Nayar
Subprogram Leader and Phytoplankton Biologist
SARDI Aquatic Sciences
Telephone: 08 82075321
Applications to:
Ms Sophie Anthony
Administrative Support Officer
SARDI Aquatic Sciences
PO Box 120
Henley Beach SA 5022
Telephone: 08 82075403
Email: Sophie.anthony at sa.gov.au<mailto:Sophie.anthony at sa.gov.au>
If you are interested in this opportunity, please forward a Covering Letter=
 (no more than 3 pages) outlining your skills and experience in relation to=
 the Professional and Technical Expertise, Achievement Orientation and Prob=
lem Solving capabilities of the role and a current CV. Applicants are to in=
clude the contact information of 3 current referees and a completed "Pre Em=
ployment Declaration in the SA Public Sector" form.
For information on how to apply and a copy of the Role Description visit ww=

Dr Sasi Nayar
Phytoplankton Biologist and Subprogram Leader
Algal Production Group

Facility Manager
NCRIS Algae and Biofuels Facility

South Australian Research and Development Institute - Aquatic Sciences
Physical address : 2 Hamra Avenue, West Beach, SA 5024, AUSTRALIA
Postal address : PO Box 120, Henley Beach, SA 5022, AUSTRALIA
Tel : +61 8 8207 5321
Fax : +61 8 8207 5481
Mob : +61 428 542 101
E mail : sasi.nayar at sa.gov.au<mailto:sasi.nayar at sa.gov.au>
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