[ES_JOBS_NET] summer internship for undergrads, REACCH, ID/WA/OR

Christine Wiedinmyer christin at ucar.edu
Fri Mar 13 06:30:13 MDT 2015


  REACCH 2015 Summer Internship Program

/*Updated 2015-02-24*/

REACCH has supported the growth and training of over 40 undergraduate 
students through our internship.

Regional Approaches to Climate Change- Pacific Northwest Agriculture 
(REACCH PNA) is a USDA-funded, multi-institutional project focused on 
improving the long-term sustainability of agriculture within the region. 
REACCH partners (University of Idaho, Washington State University, 
Oregon State University and USDA-ARS) are teaming up to offer a total of 
14, 9-week long, undergraduate internships across the three institutions.

  * Internships will go from *8* *June – 7 August *for the University of
    Idaho and Washington State University**
  * Internships will go from *15 June – August 14 *for Oregon State

Summer interns will participate in faculty and/or graduate student 
research, weekly seminars, and field trips.  Interns will receive a 
salary of $500 per week for the summer internship and a travel budget up 
to $500.   Summer interns will also be provided with University housing, 
identification cards, access to library, email and internet privileges.

Summaries of the availableresearch projects for summer 2015 are provided 
addition to field and laboratory research, the interns will participate 
in group activities where they will learn about one another’s projects, 
meet with faculty members from diverse disciplines, attend research and 
mentoring seminars, and visit research sites and other areas of interest 
in the region.

Please complete the application form below */and/* request that one 
letter of recommendation be emailed directly to the CRISSP REU 
Coordinator, Marijka Haverhals, at marijka at uidaho.edu 
<mailto:marijka at uidaho.edu> by *Wednesday, April 1, 2015*. You will 
receive a confirmation email once all your application materials are 

Download REACCH Summer Undergraduate Internship Program information 
April 1, 2015. Apply online below.

    Contact Information:

REACCH Internship Coordinator
Marijka Haverhals
marijka at uidaho.edu <mailto:marijka at uidaho.edu>
REACCH Principal Investigator
Dr. Jodi Johnson-Maynard
jmaynard at uidaho.edu <mailto:jmaynard at uidaho.edu>
For technical assistance:
REACCH Education and Communication Coordinator:
Leigh Bernacchi, PhD
lbernacchi at uidaho.edu <mailto:lbernacchi at uidaho.edu>

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