[ES_JOBS_NET] Faculty Position in Dendroclimatology - Utah State University
Erika Marín-Spiotta
marinspiotta at wisc.edu
Thu Aug 13 16:02:43 MDT 2015
Position Summary:
The Department of Plants, Soils, and Climate (PSC) in collaboration with =
the Ecology Center at Utah State University (USU), Logan UT, is seeking
applications =
for a 75% research 25% teaching tenure track, nine month, full time
position in deddroclimatology at either assistant or associate professor
level. Research: use tree ring chronologies to conduct and collaborate on
transdisciplinary research into past, millennial-scale, climate, and
connect to present and future climate. Teaching: mentor and advise
students and post-doctoral researchers from diverse backgrounds, and teac=
h one or=20
more undergraduate and graduate courses in the broad area of atmospheric =
and climate=20
science. Qualifications: an earned Ph.D. in fields such as, but not limit=
ed to,=20
meteorology, climatology, geography, forestry, or ecology, with experienc=
e in utilizing=20
proxies for paleo climate analysis, with an emphasis on tree ring chronol=
Dendroclimatology (assistant/associate tenure track), Department of Plant=
s, Soils, and=20
Climate at Utah State University. Research: transdisciplinary and collab=
orative use of=20
tree-ring chronologies for millennial-scale past climate analyses; teachi=
ng: graduate and=20
For further questions, please contact search committee chair Roger Kjelgr=
roger.kjelgren at usu.edu, 435-797-2972
The successful candidate will conduct and collaborate in transdisciplinar=
y research into=20
past, millennial-scale, climate, and connect to present and future climat=
e. This will=20
encompass development and analyses of tree-ring chronologies in the conte=
xt of=20
biophysical interactions of tree physiology with soil and atmospheric fac=
tors to extract=20
and analyze time series of key properties and coherent patterns of hydrol=
ogy and=20
climate. Fundamental to this position is working across disciplinary and=
boundaries to integrate into ongoing research on large-scale climate diag=
nostics, and=20
modeling and characterizing extreme hydrologic events. The candidate is e=
xpected to=20
develop a research program that secures extramural funds and achieves nat=
ional and=20
international recognition.
The individual will mentor and advise graduate students and post-doctoral=
from diverse backgrounds, and teach one or more undergraduate and graduat=
e courses=20
in the broad area of atmospheric and climate science, and play a role in =
evolution climate=20
science education at USU. Crucial to the position is articulating the na=
ture, scope, and=20
implications of paleo climate in the context of past, present, and future=
climate variability=20
to a wide range of scientific but also lay audiences.
Dept/College Highlights:
Utah State University is the land-grant and space-grant university of Uta=
h. USU is in=20
Logan City, offering the amenities of a college town within the Cache Val=
ley metropolitan=20
zone of 115,000 people. Cache Valley is a 90-minute freeway drive north =
of Salt Lake=20
City, positioned along the scenic Wasatch Mountains and Bear River Range.=
The region=20
offers a bonanza of outdoor activities within minutes of campus, and is a=
day=92s drive of=20
seven national parks.=20
Minimum/Preferred Qualifications:
1) An earned Ph.D. in fields such as, but not limited to, meteorology, cl=
geography, forestry, or ecology, with experience in utilizing proxies for=
paleo climate=20
analysis, with an emphasis on tree ring chronologies
2) Have working knowledge, experience, or training in dendrochronology,=20=
dendrohydrology, tree physiology, and climatology with a corresponding pu=
3) Ability to develop an externally funded research program based on inno=
vative and=20
transformative research
4) Experience and interest to teach under- and post-graduate level classe=
5) Adept at articulating science within and outside the classroom at mult=
iple scales to=20
diverse audiences
6) Familiarity with other climate proxy data to augment tree ring chronol=
ogies is=20
7) Additional weight given to those candidates with degree training in cl=
imate or=20
atmospheric science
8) Associate professor-level candidates must have a demonstrated track re=
cord of=20
international experience and a commensurate level of refereed publication=
s and=20
extramural research funding
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