[ES_JOBS_NET] emissions modeler/photochemical grid modeler, Georgia EPD

Christine Wiedinmyer christin at ucar.edu
Mon Apr 20 07:04:50 MDT 2015

GA EPD is looking to hire an emissions modeler/photochemical grid 
modeler.  If you know anyone with these qualifications that is looking 
for employment, please forward this job announcement to them.The 
“Modeler” position is listed on pages 9-10 of attached document. *The 
application deadline date is 04/28/2015.*


The Data and Modeling Unit develops emission inventories and applies 
advanced air quality models to simulate the transport and fate of 
pollutants in the atmosphere. These modeling activities are critical to 
allow the Planning and Regulatory Development Unit to develop emission 
controls for Georgia’s State Implementation Plan (SIP) to meet EPA’s 
National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) for ozone and PM2.5 and 
“reasonable progress” goals for regional haze. The incumbent will be 
expected to present work products at local, regional, and national 
meetings and conferences.

*Preference may be given to applicants with: *

·M.S or Ph.D. degree with a strong background in atmospheric chemistry 
and physics, emission inventory development, emissions modeling, 
meteorological modeling, observational based modeling, numerical 
modeling, and/or quality modeling

·Experience utilizing programs and elements of SMOKE (Sparse Matrix 
Operator Kernel Emissions), MOVES (Motor Vehicle Emission Simulator),and 
NONROAD emissions models; WRF (Weather Research and Forecast) 
meteorological model; PMF (Positive Matrix Factorization and CMB 
(Chemical Mass Balance) observational models; CMAQ (Community Multiscale 
Air Quality) and CAMx (Comprehensive Air Quality Model with Extensions) 
photochemical grid models; global climate models; health benefits 
models; PAVE (Package for Analysis and Visualization of Environmental 
data) and VERDI (Visualization Environmental for Rich Data 
Interpretation) to view modeling results

·Knowledge of EPA rules and guidance related to emission inventory 
development and State Implementation Plan (SIP) air quality modeling

·Strong verbal and written communication skills

·Strong background in scientific computer programming (FORTRAN), 
database management (MYSQL), GIS (Geographic Information System) and 
experience with Linux and Unix

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