[ES_JOBS_NET] PhD position in Near Surface geophysics

Dimitrios Ntarlagiannis dimntar at scarletmail.rutgers.edu
Wed Jun 25 10:31:44 MDT 2014

see attached information on a PhD position in Near Surface Geophysics at 
Rutgers - Newark (US).
I would appreciate forwarding the information to all interested parties.

PhD research topic:*Spectral Induced Polarization method for monitoring 
and characterizing subsurface bio-geochemical processes. *

The near surface geophysics 
group at Rutgers Newark has a PhD student opportunity for an NSF funded 
project on the use of geophsyical methods to monitor subsurface 
bio-geochemical processes; the student will join Dr. D. Ntarlagiannis 
research group. This is a unique collaborative project that involved 
engineering, microbiology and geophysics, focusing on soil 
bio-improvement processes. The student will focus on the geophysical 
methods, while getting exposed to engineering field practices. The 
project is a collaboration between Rutgers, Georgia Tech and Oregon 
State University

For additional information (including application process) and details 
on this opportunity please contact Dr. D. Ntarlagiannis at 
dimntar at rutgers.edu

Dimitrios Ntarlagiannis
Ass. Res. Professor
Department of Earth & Environmental Sciences
101 Warren St, Smith Hall (Rm 135)
Newark, NJ 07102
Tel: 973-353-5189
Fax: 973-353-1965
Webpage <http://www.ncas.rutgers.edu/dimitrios-ntarlagiannis>
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