[ES_JOBS_NET] PhD position in Dendrochronology & Isotope Geochemistry at UNR

Adam Zoltan Csank csank at email.arizona.edu
Wed Jun 25 06:48:34 MDT 2014

Dear Colleagues:

Please pass along the attached PhD student assistantship in
Dendrochronology & geochemistry to anyone you think might be interested.

Graduate Research Position in Experimental Tree-Ring Science
Applications are invited for a Ph.D. student to fill a graduate research
position that is currently available in the DendroLab (http://dendrolab.org/)
at the University of Nevada Reno.
(http://www.unr.edu). This position is part of a newly funded NSF project
entitled "Past extension of the North American Monsoon System (NAMS) into
the Great Basin reconstructed from cell-to-ecosystem dendrochronology". The
successful applicant will be part of a multi-disciplinary team that
includes experts on stable isotopic analysis, wood anatomy,
dendrochronology, and numerical analysis. The specific hypotheses that will
be tested by the research team concern tree-ring reconstructions of
monsoonal climate, especially with regard to formation of intra-annual
density fluctuations (false rings) in ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa). The
project will leverage the recently built NevCAN (Nevada Climate and
Ecohydrological Assessment Network,
instrumental transects. These valley-to-mountain-top observatories span
2000-m elevation gradients in the Snake Range (eastern Nevada) and in the
Sheep Range (southern Nevada), which is included in the northwestern limit
of the North American Monsoon System. This project is also part of an
ongoing collaboration between the DendroLab and the Département des
Sciences Fondamentales, Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, Canada.
Financial support includes a monthly stipend, support for travel to
scientific meetings, field and laboratory analyses, tuition and health
insurance. The position is available starting in January 2015, and will
remain open until filled. The appointment will be initially for one year,
with a possibility of renewal for the two additional years of the grant.
Applicants should have an undergraduate or graduate degree in chemistry,
biology, wood science, hydrology, ecology, or a related field. The ideal
candidate should have a strong quantitative background and interest in
interdisciplinary and experimental approaches to the development of proxy
climate records. Experience in one or more of these areas is particularly
welcomed: stable isotopic analysis, numerical analysis in script-based
environments (such as R or SAS), and wood anatomy. It is expected that the
primary role of the student will be in field and laboratory activities
related to stable isotope analyses.
Candidates need to apply for graduate admission on-line (
http://www.unr.edu/grad/admissions), and will become eligible for the
position after being accepted by the UNR Graduate School in one of these
two graduate programs (depending on the student's interests): Ecology,
Evolution, and Conservation Biology (http://environment.unr.edu/eecb/) or
Hydrologic Sciences (http://www.hydro.unr.edu/home/). International
applicants can find additional information on admission requirements on the
Graduate School website (
http://www.unr.edu/grad/admissions/international-requirements). For
questions or additional details on the position, please contact Prof.
Franco Biondi (*fbiondi at unr.edu <fbiondi at unr.edu>*, +1 775 784-6921).
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