[ES_JOBS_NET] Faculty Position: Geomicrobiology and Bioremediation - UofMinnesota Req#191508

Sharon Kressler kress004 at umn.edu
Thu Jun 5 14:54:23 MDT 2014

*Faculty Position: Geomicrobiology and Bioremediation*
The *Department of Earth Sciences and The BioTechnology Institute (BTI) 
at the University of Minnesota* seek
applications for a tenure-track faculty position in the area of 
Geomicrobiology and Bioremediation. We are interested
in a broad range of topics in geomicrobiology, microbiology, 
biogeochemistry, or related fields, with application in
areas such as acid mine drainage bioremediation, dynamics of sulfate and 
nitrate removal, microbial bioremediation,
biomining, and/or groundwater bioremediation. The appointment will be a 
9 month (B-Term), tenure-track position at
the assistant or associate professor level with responsibilities in 
research, teaching, and service. Rank will be
determined based on qualifications. The Department of Earth Sciences, 
located in the College of Science and
Engineering, will be the academic and teaching home, and the 
BioTechnology Institute, in the College of Biological
Sciences, will be co-home for research activities.
This position is part of an interdisciplinary research cluster focused 
on the use of bioremediation to conserve our
environment and advance industry. This cluster, one in a series 
supported by the Minnesota's Discovery, Research
and InnoVation Economy (MnDRIVE) Initiative, focuses on using scientific 
discovery and innovation to enhance
efficient environmental stewardship and to position the state as a 
leader in key industries.
*For more details including Duties and Responsibilities, 
Required/Preferred Qualifications, Materials Required, please go to the 
UofM Jobs Website and search for Requisition Number 
_191508_.**Applications must be completed online:**

Review of applications will begin September 8, 2014. Applications will 
continue to be accepted until the position is
filled. Expected appointment is Fall 2015. *Questions may be directed to 
Prof. Chris Paola at cpaola at umn.edu*.

Find out what makes Minnesota a great place to work and live. Learn more 
about the University of Minnesota, and
the Twin Cities at http://www1.umn.edu/faculty/
The University of Minnesota provides equal access to and opportunity in 
its programs, facilities, and employment
without regard to race, color, creed, religion, national origin, gender, 
age, marital status, disability, public assistance
status, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender 
expression. The University supports the work-life
balance of its faculty and especially encourages applications from women 
and members of under-represented
Any offer of employment is contingent upon the successful completion of 
a background check. Our presumption is
that prospective employees are eligible to work here. Criminal 
convictions do not automatically disqualify finalists
from employment. However, a criminal record, the age and time of the 
offense, the seriousness and nature of the
violation, and any rehabilitation will be considered as it relates to 
your position.

Ms. Sharon J. Kressler
Administrative Director
Department of Earth Sciences
University of Minnesota
310 Pillsbury Drive SE
Minneapolis, MN  55455

voice:  612-625-5068
fax:    612-625-3819

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