Jenny Fisher jennyf at uow.edu.au
Wed Jun 4 19:36:54 MDT 2014

See below for info on a 3-year fellowship program at the University of Wollongong (Australia). The link in the ad is internal, but public information is available here: http://www.uow.edu.au/research/rso/grants/vcfellowships/index.html

As a current fellow, I can say UOW is a great place to work and Wollongong is a fantastic place to live!

Begin forwarded message:

From: Libby McMahon <emcmahon at uow.edu.au<mailto:emcmahon at uow.edu.au>>
Date: 4 June 2014 4:59:47 pm AEST
To: all_academic_staff <all_academic_staff at uow.edu.au<mailto:all_academic_staff at uow.edu.au>>

Applications for the Vice Chancellor’s Postdoctoral Research Fellowships Scheme are currently being invited. Information can be found on the UOW recruitment page at: https://intranet.uow.edu.au/go/7u

For 2015, we are offering six (6) Vice Chancellor’s Postdoctoral Research Fellowships, of three (3) years duration, for early career researchers up to five (5) years post award of PhD.

The Scheme aims to grow research capacity at UOW by attracting and developing outstanding early-to-mid career academics to undertake full-time research. Strong preference will be given to candidates seeking to join UOW from other organisations within Australia or from overseas. Please refer to the Fellowship Guidelines and Instructions for eligibility information.

Candidates are not able to apply without naming the host Unit and their UOW mentor. Candidates must discuss their application with the Head of the proposed host Unit, and their proposed mentor, prior to commencing the Expression of Interest (EOI).

If you are approached to be a mentor for a candidate, please ask them to provide you with their Curriculum Vitae and their project outline, so that you can make a decision about whether you would like to support their application.

The application process involves two stages:
1. Stage 1 EOI – online form with CV and project outline, including name of UOW mentor.
Faculty Research Committees will then determine candidates to be invited to Stage 2.
2. Stage 2 Full application – includes a report from the UOW mentor.

Expressions of interest close Sunday 13 July 2014.

Libby McMahon
Grants Manager

Dr. Jenny Fisher
VC Postdoctoral Fellow
Centre for Atmospheric Chemistry
University of Wollongong

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