[ES_JOBS_NET] SCRiM Summer Scholars
Robert Nicholas
rob.nicholas at psu.edu
Mon Apr 14 08:41:40 MDT 2014
*SCRiM Summer Scholars 2014*
*a 9-week summer research opportunity at Penn State University*
*for undergraduates and early-career graduate students*
The Network for Sustainable Climate Risk Management
links a transdisciplinary team of climate scientists, economists,
philosophers, statisticians, engineers, and policy analysts to answer the
question, “*What are sustainable, scientifically sound, technologically
feasible, economically efficient, and ethically defensible strategies for
managing the risks associated with climate change?*”
SCRiM invites undergraduates and beginning (first- and second-year)
graduate students interested in climate change, sustainability, risk
management, and/or decisionmaking under uncertainty to
propose summer research projects centered on SCRiM themes. Appropriate
projects might include modeling experiments using simple Earth system
and/or economic models, analyses of geophysical datasets (observed or
modeled), or meta-analyses based on synthesis of existing literature.
Although projects will be largely self-directed, participants will be
mentored and supported by SCRiM researchers as they develop and execute
their research agenda.
The program runs for 9 weeks, starting 2 June 2014. Housing, travel
support, and a stipend of $4500 is provided for all participants.
Students studying in the following disciplines would be well-positioned for
the program:
- Applied Mathematics
- Civil & Environmental Engineering
- Computer Science
- Economics
- Environmental Science
- Geography
- Geosciences / Geology
- Meteorology / Atmospheric Science
- Oceanography
- Operations Research
- Philosophy
- Physics
- Statistics
This is a competitive opportunity with a limited number of openings. To
apply, please send a single PDF file to
scholars at scrim.psu.edu<http://mailto:scholars@scrim.psu.edu/>
a cover letter (briefly explaining your interest in the program and what
you hope to gain from the experience), a one-page research proposal, a
current CV, transcripts (unofficial acceptable), and contact information
for two references. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis
and *should
be submitted no later than Monday 28 April 2014* to receive full
consideration. Women, members of underrepresented groups, and students from
small colleges are especially encouraged to apply.
To learn more about SCRiM, please visit http://scrimhub.org/scholars.php.
*transdisciplinary research at the intersection of climate science,*
*economics, risk analysis, and decisionmaking*
Robert Nicholas, Ph.D.
Managing Director, Network for Sustainable Climate Risk Management
Research Associate, Earth & Environmental Systems Institute
The Pennsylvania State University
post: 2217 EES Building, University Park, PA 16802
email: rob.nicholas at psu.edu
voice: +1 (814) 865-4484
web: http://www.eesi.psu.edu/~ren10/
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