[ES_JOBS_NET] PhD in Earth Science and Fluid Mechanics

stefano salon ssalon at ogs.trieste.it
Wed Aug 21 08:58:37 MDT 2013

2013 CALL open for the Doctorate School in
Earth Science and Fluid Mechanics (University of Trieste, Italy)
(website: http://phdfluidmechanics.appspot.com/index.html)

**** Submission deadline: September 16 2013, 11.30 am (Italy time) ****

**** To apply, see page: ****

For assistance regarding the application contact:
helpdottorati at amm.units.it

For questions about the School of Doctorate contact:
Prof. Armenio ARMENIO at dica.units.it

*** For info about scientific research in Trieste see: ***

Stefano Salon
OGS - Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale
Div. of Oceanography - ECHO Group
B.go Grotta Gigante - Brisciki 42/c
34010 Sgonico - Zgonik (TS) - Italy
Tel. +39-040-2140390
Fax  +39-040-2140266
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