[ES_JOBS_NET] Tenure-Track Position in Climate Modeling, University of Colorado Boulder

Nikki Lovenduski nicole.lovenduski at Colorado.EDU
Mon Aug 19 11:12:19 MDT 2013

Dear Christine,

Can you please distribute the following job advertisement to Earth 
Sciences Women's Network Jobs site, ES-JOBS?

Many thanks,
Nikki Lovenduski
Assistant Professor
Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences
Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research
University of Colorado at Boulder

Tenure-Track Position in Climate Modeling, University of Colorado Boulder

The Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research (INSTAAR) and the Department 
of Atmosphere and Oceanic Sciences (ATOC) at the University of Colorado 
Boulder invite applications for a tenure-track faculty position in 
climate modeling. INSTAAR and ATOC are recognized international leaders 
in multiple areas of Earth and Environmental Science, and faculty within 
these units routinely work with others across and beyond campus, 
including the multiple federal labs located in the Boulder region. 
Candidates who specialize in regional climate modeling are of particular 
interest, but we seek applicants from any relevant area of focus who 
complement existing Department and Institute strengths in climate 
modeling as well as in geophysics, hydrology, biogeochemistry, 
paleoclimatology, atmospheric chemistry and oceanography. The successful 
candidate will demonstrate the ability to develop an innovative and 
robust research program, as well as the vision and potential for 
excellence in both classroom teaching and student mentoring.

This position will be filled at the Assistant Professor level. A Ph.D. 
in Earth Sciences or a related field is required at the time of 
appointment, and post-doctoral experience is preferred. This is a 
9-month tenure-track position, rostered jointly in INSTAAR and ATOC. To 
learn more about these units and their affiliations with both other 
campus entities and Federal laboratories such as NCAR, NOAA and the 
USGS, please visit instaar.colorado.edu and atoc.colorado.edu.

For more information about the position, visit this link: 

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