[ES_JOBS_NET] NAS Gulf Program Christine Mirzayan Science & Technology Policy Graduate Fellowship (due Sept. 5) - Washington, DC

Mabee, Bethany BMabee at nas.edu
Mon Aug 12 09:09:16 MDT 2013

We are pleased to announce that the National Academies is accepting applications for the 2014 session of the NAS's Christine Mirzayan Science and Technology Policy Graduate Fellowship Program. This 12-week program (January 21 - April 11, 2014) is designed to engage early career individuals in the processes that inform U.S. science and technology policy. Fellows obtain essential skills and knowledge needed to work in science and technology policy at the federal, state, or local levels.

The NAS Gulf Program will host a Christine Mirzayan Fellow, so we encourage you to spread the word among potential candidates. The Fellow will be part of a cohort of about two dozen other Fellows learning about the role of science in the federal government and will work directly with the Gulf Program and our Advisory Group doing research to support strategic planning and other activities that we hope to begin in 2014.

We will be looking at candidates who are forward-thinking and cross-disciplinary. Graduate and professional school students and those who have completed graduate studies within the last five years may apply. Special consideration will be given to candidates who are from a Gulf state, studying at a Gulf state institution, or doing research relevant to the Gulf of Mexico.

Applications are due September 5, 2013. The fellowship stipend is $8,500. To learn more or to apply online, please visit: http://sites.nationalacademies.org/PGA/policyfellows/index.htm.

Please help us advertise this opportunity - a flyer is attached (also available on our website<http://www.nationalacademies.org/gulf/Christine%20Mirzayan%20Fellowship%20flyer.pdf>) that you are free to post or share.
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