[Dart-dev] [4901] DART/trunk/filter: In the observation diagnostic routine, before it writes out the obs_seq.final
nancy at ucar.edu
nancy at ucar.edu
Fri May 6 17:05:40 MDT 2011
Revision: 4901
Author: nancy
Date: 2011-05-06 17:05:40 -0600 (Fri, 06 May 2011)
Log Message:
In the observation diagnostic routine, before it writes out the obs_seq.final
file, the code now checks for observations where the DART QC is 4, 5, or 6.
In these cases the forward operator failed, the observation was not processed
because of namelist control, or the incoming data qc was bad. In these cases
the corresponding prior/posterior mean and sd are set to MISSING_r8 before
writing the values to the obs_seq.final file. This allows post-processing
programs to recognize these as bad values without additional code to check
the dart qc.
Modified Paths:
-------------- next part --------------
Modified: DART/trunk/filter/filter.dopplerfold.f90
--- DART/trunk/filter/filter.dopplerfold.f90 2011-05-06 23:01:23 UTC (rev 4900)
+++ DART/trunk/filter/filter.dopplerfold.f90 2011-05-06 23:05:40 UTC (rev 4901)
@@ -943,6 +943,7 @@
! The one that exists would be the NCEP and perfect_model_obs generated values in general
call read_obs_seq_header(obs_sequence_in_name, tnum_copies, tnum_qc, tnum_obs, tmax_num_obs, &
obs_seq_file_id, obs_seq_read_format, pre_I_format, close_the_file = .true.)
if(tnum_qc == 0) then
input_qc_index = 1
DART_qc_index = 2
@@ -1008,6 +1009,55 @@
+function get_obs_qc_index(seq)
+type(obs_sequence_type), intent(in) :: seq
+integer :: get_obs_qc_index
+integer :: i
+! Determine which qc, if any, has the incoming obs qc
+! this is tricky because we have never specified what string
+! the metadata has to have. look for 'qc' or 'QC' and the
+! first metadata that matches (much like 'observation' above)
+! is the winner.
+do i = 1, get_num_qc(seq)
+ get_obs_qc_index = i
+ ! Need to look for 'QC' or 'qc'
+ if(index(get_copy_meta_data(seq, i), 'QC') > 0) return
+ if(index(get_copy_meta_data(seq, i), 'qc') > 0) return
+end do
+! Falling off end means 'QC' or 'qc' not found; not fatal!
+get_obs_qc_index = -1
+end function get_obs_qc_index
+function get_obs_dartqc_index(seq)
+type(obs_sequence_type), intent(in) :: seq
+integer :: get_obs_dartqc_index
+integer :: i
+! Determine which qc, if any, has the DART qc
+do i = 1, get_num_qc(seq)
+ get_obs_dartqc_index = i
+ ! Need to look for 'DART quality control'
+ if(index(get_copy_meta_data(seq, i), 'DART quality control') > 0) return
+end do
+! Falling off end means 'DART quality control' not found; not fatal!
+get_obs_dartqc_index = -1
+end function get_obs_dartqc_index
subroutine filter_set_initial_time(time)
type(time_type), intent(out) :: time
@@ -1259,10 +1309,12 @@
integer, intent(in) :: OBS_GLOBAL_QC_COPY, OBS_VAL_COPY
integer, intent(in) :: OBS_ERR_VAR_COPY, DART_qc_index
-integer :: j, k, ens_offset, forward_min, forward_max, forward_unit, ivalue
-real(r8) :: error, diff_sd, ratio, obs_temp(num_obs_in_set)
+integer :: j, k, ens_offset, forward_min, forward_max
+integer :: forward_unit, ivalue, low_qc_limit, high_qc_limit
+real(r8) :: error, diff_sd, ratio
+real(r8), allocatable :: obs_temp(:), obs_qc(:), forward_temp(:)
real(r8) :: obs_prior_mean, obs_prior_var, obs_val, obs_err_var
-real(r8) :: forward_temp(num_obs_in_set), rvalue(1)
+real(r8) :: rvalue(1)
logical :: do_outlier
@@ -1289,6 +1341,8 @@
forward_unit = open_file('post_forward_op_errors', 'formatted', 'append')
+ allocate(forward_temp(num_obs_in_set))
do k = 1, ens_size
! Get this copy to PE 0
@@ -1302,6 +1356,9 @@
end do
end do
+ deallocate(forward_temp)
! PE 0 does the output for each copy in turn
if(my_task_id() == 0) then
call close_file(forward_unit)
@@ -1403,20 +1460,50 @@
! Is this next call really needed, or does it already exist on input???
call all_copies_to_all_vars(obs_ens_handle)
-! Output the ensemble mean
+! allocate temp space for sending data
+allocate(obs_temp(num_obs_in_set), obs_qc(num_obs_in_set))
+! set non-computed means & sd to missing values in the output diag file.
+! for priors, the lowest good dart qc is 3, for posteriors its 1.
+! in either case, we want to see values that were only rejected because
+! of outlier threshold, so allow dart qc values 7 (and up?)
+if (prior_post == PRIOR_DIAG) then
+ low_qc_limit = 3
+ low_qc_limit = 1
+high_qc_limit = 7
+! Update the qc global value
+! First get this copy on pe 0 and keep it around
+call get_copy(0, obs_ens_handle, OBS_GLOBAL_QC_COPY, obs_qc)
+! Only pe 0 gets to write the observations for this time
+if(my_task_id() == 0) then
+ ! Loop through the observations for this time
+ do j = 1, obs_ens_handle%num_vars
+ rvalue(1) = obs_qc(j)
+ call replace_qc(seq, keys(j), rvalue, DART_qc_index)
+ end do
+! Update the ensemble mean
! Get this copy to process 0
call get_copy(0, obs_ens_handle, OBS_PRIOR_MEAN_START, obs_temp)
! Only pe 0 gets to write the sequence
if(my_task_id() == 0) then
! Loop through the observations for this time
do j = 1, obs_ens_handle%num_vars
- ! update the mean in each obs
- rvalue(1) = obs_temp(j)
+ ! update the mean in each obs if it was assimilated ok.
+ if ((obs_qc(j) <= low_qc_limit) .or. (obs_qc(j) >= high_qc_limit)) then
+ rvalue(1) = obs_temp(j)
+ else
+ rvalue(1) = missing_r8 ! if qc bad, set to missing
+ endif
call replace_obs_values(seq, keys(j), rvalue, ens_mean_index)
end do
-! If requested, output the ensemble spread
+! Update the ensemble spread
! Get this copy to process 0
call get_copy(0, obs_ens_handle, OBS_PRIOR_VAR_START, obs_temp)
! Only pe 0 gets to write the sequence
@@ -1424,15 +1511,19 @@
! Loop through the observations for this time
do j = 1, obs_ens_handle%num_vars
! update the spread in each obs
- rvalue(1) = sqrt(obs_temp(j))
+ if ((obs_qc(j) <= low_qc_limit) .or. (obs_qc(j) >= high_qc_limit)) then
+ rvalue(1) = sqrt(obs_temp(j))
+ else
+ rvalue(1) = missing_r8 ! if qc bad, set to missing
+ endif
call replace_obs_values(seq, keys(j), rvalue, ens_spread_index)
end do
! May be possible to only do this after the posterior call...
-! Output any requested ensemble members
+! Update any requested ensemble members
ens_offset = members_index + 4
-! Output all of these ensembles that are required to sequence file
+! Update all of these ensembles that are required to sequence file
do k = 1, num_output_members
! Get this copy on pe 0
call get_copy(0, obs_ens_handle, k, obs_temp)
@@ -1448,17 +1539,8 @@
end do
-! Output the qc global value
-! First get this copy on pe 0
-call get_copy(0, obs_ens_handle, OBS_GLOBAL_QC_COPY, obs_temp)
-! Only pe 0 gets to write the observations for this time
-if(my_task_id() == 0) then
- ! Loop through the observations for this time
- do j = 1, obs_ens_handle%num_vars
- rvalue(1) = obs_temp(j)
- call replace_qc(seq, keys(j), rvalue, DART_qc_index)
- end do
+! clean up.
+deallocate(obs_temp, obs_qc)
end subroutine obs_space_diagnostics
Modified: DART/trunk/filter/filter.f90
--- DART/trunk/filter/filter.f90 2011-05-06 23:01:23 UTC (rev 4900)
+++ DART/trunk/filter/filter.f90 2011-05-06 23:05:40 UTC (rev 4901)
@@ -937,6 +937,7 @@
! The one that exists would be the NCEP and perfect_model_obs generated values in general
call read_obs_seq_header(obs_sequence_in_name, tnum_copies, tnum_qc, tnum_obs, tmax_num_obs, &
obs_seq_file_id, obs_seq_read_format, pre_I_format, close_the_file = .true.)
if(tnum_qc == 0) then
input_qc_index = 1
DART_qc_index = 2
@@ -1002,6 +1003,55 @@
+function get_obs_qc_index(seq)
+type(obs_sequence_type), intent(in) :: seq
+integer :: get_obs_qc_index
+integer :: i
+! Determine which qc, if any, has the incoming obs qc
+! this is tricky because we have never specified what string
+! the metadata has to have. look for 'qc' or 'QC' and the
+! first metadata that matches (much like 'observation' above)
+! is the winner.
+do i = 1, get_num_qc(seq)
+ get_obs_qc_index = i
+ ! Need to look for 'QC' or 'qc'
+ if(index(get_copy_meta_data(seq, i), 'QC') > 0) return
+ if(index(get_copy_meta_data(seq, i), 'qc') > 0) return
+end do
+! Falling off end means 'QC' or 'qc' not found; not fatal!
+get_obs_qc_index = -1
+end function get_obs_qc_index
+function get_obs_dartqc_index(seq)
+type(obs_sequence_type), intent(in) :: seq
+integer :: get_obs_dartqc_index
+integer :: i
+! Determine which qc, if any, has the DART qc
+do i = 1, get_num_qc(seq)
+ get_obs_dartqc_index = i
+ ! Need to look for 'DART quality control'
+ if(index(get_copy_meta_data(seq, i), 'DART quality control') > 0) return
+end do
+! Falling off end means 'DART quality control' not found; not fatal!
+get_obs_dartqc_index = -1
+end function get_obs_dartqc_index
subroutine filter_set_initial_time(time)
type(time_type), intent(out) :: time
@@ -1250,10 +1300,12 @@
integer, intent(in) :: OBS_GLOBAL_QC_COPY, OBS_VAL_COPY
integer, intent(in) :: OBS_ERR_VAR_COPY, DART_qc_index
-integer :: j, k, ens_offset, forward_min, forward_max, forward_unit, ivalue
-real(r8) :: error, diff_sd, ratio, obs_temp(num_obs_in_set)
+integer :: j, k, ens_offset, forward_min, forward_max
+integer :: forward_unit, ivalue, low_qc_limit, high_qc_limit
+real(r8) :: error, diff_sd, ratio
+real(r8), allocatable :: obs_temp(:), obs_qc(:), forward_temp(:)
real(r8) :: obs_prior_mean, obs_prior_var, obs_val, obs_err_var
-real(r8) :: forward_temp(num_obs_in_set), rvalue(1)
+real(r8) :: rvalue(1)
logical :: do_outlier
@@ -1280,6 +1332,8 @@
forward_unit = open_file('post_forward_op_errors', 'formatted', 'append')
+ allocate(forward_temp(num_obs_in_set))
do k = 1, ens_size
! Get this copy to PE 0
@@ -1293,6 +1347,9 @@
end do
end do
+ deallocate(forward_temp)
! PE 0 does the output for each copy in turn
if(my_task_id() == 0) then
call close_file(forward_unit)
@@ -1382,20 +1439,50 @@
! Is this next call really needed, or does it already exist on input???
call all_copies_to_all_vars(obs_ens_handle)
-! Output the ensemble mean
+! allocate temp space for sending data
+allocate(obs_temp(num_obs_in_set), obs_qc(num_obs_in_set))
+! set non-computed means & sd to missing values in the output diag file.
+! for priors, the lowest good dart qc is 3, for posteriors its 1.
+! in either case, we want to see values that were only rejected because
+! of outlier threshold, so allow dart qc values 7 (and up?)
+if (prior_post == PRIOR_DIAG) then
+ low_qc_limit = 3
+ low_qc_limit = 1
+high_qc_limit = 7
+! Update the qc global value
+! First get this copy on pe 0 and keep it around
+call get_copy(0, obs_ens_handle, OBS_GLOBAL_QC_COPY, obs_qc)
+! Only pe 0 gets to write the observations for this time
+if(my_task_id() == 0) then
+ ! Loop through the observations for this time
+ do j = 1, obs_ens_handle%num_vars
+ rvalue(1) = obs_qc(j)
+ call replace_qc(seq, keys(j), rvalue, DART_qc_index)
+ end do
+! Update the ensemble mean
! Get this copy to process 0
call get_copy(0, obs_ens_handle, OBS_PRIOR_MEAN_START, obs_temp)
! Only pe 0 gets to write the sequence
if(my_task_id() == 0) then
! Loop through the observations for this time
do j = 1, obs_ens_handle%num_vars
- ! update the mean in each obs
- rvalue(1) = obs_temp(j)
+ ! update the mean in each obs if it was assimilated ok.
+ if ((obs_qc(j) <= low_qc_limit) .or. (obs_qc(j) >= high_qc_limit)) then
+ rvalue(1) = obs_temp(j)
+ else
+ rvalue(1) = missing_r8 ! if qc bad, set to missing
+ endif
call replace_obs_values(seq, keys(j), rvalue, ens_mean_index)
end do
-! If requested, output the ensemble spread
+! Update the ensemble spread
! Get this copy to process 0
call get_copy(0, obs_ens_handle, OBS_PRIOR_VAR_START, obs_temp)
! Only pe 0 gets to write the sequence
@@ -1403,15 +1490,19 @@
! Loop through the observations for this time
do j = 1, obs_ens_handle%num_vars
! update the spread in each obs
- rvalue(1) = sqrt(obs_temp(j))
+ if ((obs_qc(j) <= low_qc_limit) .or. (obs_qc(j) >= high_qc_limit)) then
+ rvalue(1) = sqrt(obs_temp(j))
+ else
+ rvalue(1) = missing_r8 ! if qc bad, set to missing
+ endif
call replace_obs_values(seq, keys(j), rvalue, ens_spread_index)
end do
! May be possible to only do this after the posterior call...
-! Output any requested ensemble members
+! Update any requested ensemble members
ens_offset = members_index + 4
-! Output all of these ensembles that are required to sequence file
+! Update all of these ensembles that are required to sequence file
do k = 1, num_output_members
! Get this copy on pe 0
call get_copy(0, obs_ens_handle, k, obs_temp)
@@ -1427,17 +1518,8 @@
end do
-! Output the qc global value
-! First get this copy on pe 0
-call get_copy(0, obs_ens_handle, OBS_GLOBAL_QC_COPY, obs_temp)
-! Only pe 0 gets to write the observations for this time
-if(my_task_id() == 0) then
- ! Loop through the observations for this time
- do j = 1, obs_ens_handle%num_vars
- rvalue(1) = obs_temp(j)
- call replace_qc(seq, keys(j), rvalue, DART_qc_index)
- end do
+! clean up.
+deallocate(obs_temp, obs_qc)
end subroutine obs_space_diagnostics
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