[Dart-dev] [4900] DART/trunk/location/threed_sphere: Fix for the long-standing ' 3d box bug'. At any l
nancy at ucar.edu
nancy at ucar.edu
Fri May 6 17:01:23 MDT 2011
Revision: 4900
Author: nancy
Date: 2011-05-06 17:01:23 -0600 (Fri, 06 May 2011)
Log Message:
Fix for the long-standing '3d box bug'. At any latitude except the equator
the furthest longitude that is 'maxdist' away by a great circle calculation
does not happen at the same latitude, so you can't just add and subtract
maxdist to find out the min and max longitude that is still within maxdist
of a point. This is why all the computations here (except for where this
bug arises) are done in radians. The one place where the computations were
adding distances along latitude lines was where the code was trying
to see if all the locations for this particular task are clustered and so
the boxes can be restricted to a subregion of the sphere. The code now
uses great circle distances and computes the latitude at which the longitude
is the furthest away. The code also bypasses some of the computations
if it's clear that the boxes will have to cover the entire range of longitudes.
Update to the documentation to include a section on the geometry for
this computation, just because it's fun.
Also minor changes to the formatting of the debug code, and a fix for
COMPARE_TO_CORRECT. If the optional distance argument is not supplied
this routine returns all locations in nearby boxes, which is a superset of
the actual number of locations within maxdist. It was doing an exact
compare in all cases, which is too restrictive.
Modified Paths:
-------------- next part --------------
Modified: DART/trunk/location/threed_sphere/location_mod.f90
--- DART/trunk/location/threed_sphere/location_mod.f90 2011-05-06 22:35:46 UTC (rev 4899)
+++ DART/trunk/location/threed_sphere/location_mod.f90 2011-05-06 23:01:23 UTC (rev 4900)
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@
character(len = 129), parameter :: LocationLName = &
"threed sphere locations: lon, lat, vertical"
-character(len = 129) :: errstring
+character(len = 512) :: errstring
! Global storage for vertical distance normalization factors
real(r8) :: vert_normalization(4)
@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@
integer :: last_maxdist = -1.0
! Option for verification using exhaustive search
-logical :: COMPARE_TO_CORRECT = .false.
+logical :: COMPARE_TO_CORRECT = .false. ! normally false
! Namelist with default values
@@ -145,10 +145,10 @@
integer :: nlon = 71
integer :: nlat = 36
logical :: output_box_info = .false.
-! should be fixed in the code - but leave this here for now.
-! search for this variable below in the code for more info
+integer :: print_box_level = 0
+! obsolete now - code fixed. leave in for backwards compatibility
+! but does nothing now.
logical :: num_tasks_insensitive = .false.
-integer :: print_box_level = 0
namelist /location_nml/ horiz_dist_only, vert_normalization_pressure, &
vert_normalization_height, vert_normalization_level, &
@@ -192,6 +192,12 @@
if(do_nml_file()) write(nmlfileunit, nml=location_nml)
if(do_nml_term()) write( * , nml=location_nml)
+! deprecated namelist item
+if (num_tasks_insensitive) then
+ call error_handler(E_MSG, 'location_mod:', &
+ 'WARNING: namelist item "num_tasks_insensitive" is deprecated and will be removed in the future')
! Make sure that the number of longitudes, nlon, for get_close_obs is odd
if(nlon / 2 * 2 == nlon) then
call error_handler(E_ERR, 'initialize_module', 'nlon must be odd', &
@@ -1329,9 +1335,16 @@
!------------------------ Verify by comparing to exhaustive search --------------
! Do comparisons against full search
- if(num_close /= cnum_close) then
- write(*, *) 'ERROR: num_close, cnum_close', num_close, cnum_close
- stop
+ if((num_close /= cnum_close) .and. present(dist)) then
+ write(errstring, *) 'get_close (', num_close, ') should equal exhaustive search (', cnum_close, ')'
+ call error_handler(E_ERR, 'get_close_obs', errstring, source, revision, revdate, &
+ text2='optional arg "dist" is present; we are computing exact distances', &
+ text3='the exhaustive search should find an identical number of locations')
+ else if (num_close < cnum_close) then
+ write(errstring, *) 'get_close (', num_close, ') should not be smaller than exhaustive search (', cnum_close, ')'
+ call error_handler(E_ERR, 'get_close_obs', errstring, source, revision, revdate, &
+ text2='optional arg "dist" not present; we are returning a superset of close locations', &
+ text3='the exhaustive search should find an equal or lesser number of locations')
!--------------------End of verify by comparing to exhaustive search --------------
@@ -1351,109 +1364,108 @@
type(location_type), intent(in) :: obs(num)
real(r8) :: min_lat, max_lat, beg_box_lon, end_box_lon, first_obs_lon, last_obs_lon
-real(r8) :: longitude_range, degrees
+real(r8) :: longitude_range, degrees, lon_dist
integer :: i, indx, gap_start, gap_end, gap_length
-logical :: lon_box_full(360)
+logical :: lon_box_full(360), old_out
-! Initialize boxes used to see where observations are
+! Initialize boxes used to see where observations are.
+! Assume regional until we prove that we have to use the
+! entire 360 in longitude.
lon_box_full = .false.
+gc%lon_cyclic = .false.
! Figure out domain over which an additional obs MIGHT be close to one in this set
+! If any points within maxdist of the poles, our boxes have to cover all 360 of
+! longitude - no point in trying to restrict boxes to a region of the globe.
min_lat = minval(obs(:)%lat) - gc%maxdist
max_lat = maxval(obs(:)%lat) + gc%maxdist
-if(min_lat < -PI / 2.0_r8) min_lat = -PI / 2.0_r8
-if(max_lat > PI / 2.0_r8) max_lat = PI / 2.0_r8
+if(min_lat <= -PI / 2.0_r8) then
+ min_lat = -PI / 2.0_r8
+ gc%lon_cyclic = .true.
+if(max_lat >= PI / 2.0_r8) then
+ max_lat = PI / 2.0_r8
+ gc%lon_cyclic = .true.
! Put this into storage for this get_close_type
gc%bot_lat = min_lat
-gc%top_lat = max_lat
+gc%top_lat = max_lat
gc%lat_width = (max_lat - min_lat) / nlat
-if(COMPARE_TO_CORRECT) write(*, *) 'min and max lat and width', gc%bot_lat, gc%top_lat, gc%lat_width
+! don't have to do all this work if we already know it has to be cyclic
+if (.not. gc%lon_cyclic) then
-! Finding the longitude range is tricky because of cyclic nature
-! Want to find minimum range spanned by obs even if they wrap-around Greenwich
-! Would like to do this without sorting if possible at low-cost
-! First, partition into 360 1-degree boxes and find the biggest gap
-do i = 1, num
- degrees = obs(i)%lon * 180.0_r8 / PI
- ! If the value of the longitude is very close to an integer number of degrees
- ! a roundoff can occur that leads to an assignment in the wrong box. We avoid this
- ! by first testing to see if this is possible and then setting both boxes to full.
- ! If this is not the case, then we fill the box the observation is in.
- if (abs(degrees - nint(degrees)) < 0.00001_r8) then
- indx = nint(degrees)
- if(indx < 1) indx = 360
- lon_box_full(indx) = .true.
+ ! Finding the longitude range is tricky because of cyclic nature
+ ! Want to find minimum range spanned by obs even if they wrap-around Greenwich
+ ! Would like to do this without sorting if possible at low-cost
+ ! First, partition into 360 1-degree boxes and find the biggest gap
+ do i = 1, num
+ degrees = obs(i)%lon * 180.0_r8 / PI
+ ! If the value of the longitude is very close to an integer number of degrees
+ ! a roundoff can occur that leads to an assignment in the wrong box. We avoid this
+ ! by first testing to see if this is possible and then setting both boxes to full.
+ ! If this is not the case, then we fill the box the observation is in.
+ if (abs(degrees - nint(degrees)) < 0.00001_r8) then
+ indx = nint(degrees)
+ if(indx < 1) indx = 360
+ lon_box_full(indx) = .true.
+ indx = nint(degrees) + 1
+ if(indx > 360) indx = 1
+ lon_box_full(indx) = .true.
+ else
+ indx = floor(degrees) + 1
+ lon_box_full(indx) = .true.
+ endif
+ end do
+ ! Find the longest sequence of empty boxes
+ call find_longest_gap(lon_box_full, 360, gap_start, gap_end, gap_length)
+ if (gap_length > 0) then
- indx = nint(degrees) + 1
- if(indx > 360) indx = 1
- lon_box_full(indx) = .true.
- else
- indx = floor(degrees) + 1
- lon_box_full(indx) = .true.
- endif
-end do
+ ! There is a gap; figure out obs that are closest to ends of non-gap
+ beg_box_lon = (gap_end / 180.0_r8) * PI
+ end_box_lon = ((gap_start -1) / 180.0_r8) * PI
+ first_obs_lon = find_closest_to_start(beg_box_lon, obs, num)
+ last_obs_lon = find_closest_to_end (end_box_lon, obs, num)
+ ! Determine the final longitude range
+ longitude_range = last_obs_lon - first_obs_lon
+ if(longitude_range <= 0.0_r8) longitude_range = longitude_range + 2.0_r8 * PI
+ ! Add on the extra distance needed for the boxes
+ ! To avoid any hard thinking about wraparound with sub-domain boxes
+ ! Must span less than 180 degrees to get smaller boxes
+ ! If addition of halos for close obs fills more than half of space
+ ! things go 0 to 2PI
-! Find the longest sequence of empty boxes
-call find_longest_gap(lon_box_full, 360, gap_start, gap_end, gap_length)
+ ! other places we are computing in radians. here we are computing in
+ ! lat/lon, and you can't just add maxdist to the edges - that doesn't
+ ! take into account the great-circle distance. the separation in longitude
+ ! varies with latitude. compute the delta longitude based on the most
+ ! poleward latitude and add that onto the edges of both boxes. that
+ ! overestimates for points closer to the equator, but that's better
+ ! than underestimating and excluding points that are within maxdist.
+ lon_dist = find_del_lon(minval(obs(:)%lat), maxval(obs(:)%lat), gc%maxdist)
-! FIXME: if this block is skipped, the code works exactly the same on any number
-! of mpi processes, but it is a performance hit, especially for a regional model,
-! or for a group of observations which only cover a small area of the globe.
-! the default is to go ahead and use this code, but if you're trying to get bit-wise
-! reproducibility as you change the number of mpi tasks for a job, set
-! 'num_tasks_insensitive' to .true. in the nml. (this is intentionally not
-! documented because we need to just fix the bug at some point soon.)
-! The 'find_longest_gap()' call above detects if all the locations are located
-! in less than a hemisphere of the globe, and if so it shrinks the total area
-! covered by the boxes to that area. That will be faster because each box will
-! have fewer locations in it, and it will be easy to exclude locations outside
-! the total region.
-! However, in higher latitudes it might not cover all possible locations that
-! are within 2*maxdist of the edges of the box. i can't reconstruct the exact
-! problem but i'm sure it has something to do with distances in meters vs
-! distances in radians, as you go to higher and higher latitudes.
-! Anyway, the outcome is that an observation very close to the edge of the boxes
-! and within 2*maxdist might actually be ignored as 'too far away', and that
-! translates into an observation that doesn't impact the right number of grid
-! points. the actual impact is tiny, but in chaotic models any difference
-! persists and grows. the rest of the system is bit-wise reproducible over
-! any number of mpi tasks, except for this bug.
-if (.not. num_tasks_insensitive .and. gap_length > 0) then
- ! There is a gap; figure out obs that are closest to ends of non-gap
- beg_box_lon = (gap_end / 180.0_r8) * PI
- end_box_lon = ((gap_start -1) / 180.0_r8) * PI
- first_obs_lon = find_closest_to_start(beg_box_lon, obs, num)
- last_obs_lon = find_closest_to_end (end_box_lon, obs, num)
- ! Determine the final longitude range
- longitude_range = last_obs_lon - first_obs_lon
- if(longitude_range <= 0.0_r8) longitude_range = longitude_range + 2.0_r8 * PI
- ! Add on the extra distance needed for the boxes
- ! To avoid any hard thinking about wraparound with sub-domain boxes
- ! Must span less than 180 degrees to get smaller boxes
- ! If addition of halos for close obs fills more than half of space things go 0 to 2PI
- if(longitude_range + 2.0_r8 * gc%maxdist > PI) then
- first_obs_lon = 0.0_r8
- last_obs_lon = 2.0_r8 * PI
+ if(longitude_range + 2.0_r8 * lon_dist > PI) then
+ gc%lon_cyclic = .true.
+ else
+ first_obs_lon = first_obs_lon - lon_dist
+ if(first_obs_lon < 0.0_r8 ) first_obs_lon = first_obs_lon + 2.0_r8 * PI
+ last_obs_lon = last_obs_lon + lon_dist
+ if(last_obs_lon > 2.0_r8 * PI) last_obs_lon = last_obs_lon - 2.0_r8 * PI
+ gc%lon_cyclic = .false.
+ endif
+ else
+ ! No gap was found: all 360 boxes had an observation in them
gc%lon_cyclic = .true.
- else
- first_obs_lon = first_obs_lon - gc%maxdist
- if(first_obs_lon < 0.0_r8) first_obs_lon = first_obs_lon + 2.0_r8 * PI
- last_obs_lon = last_obs_lon + gc%maxdist
- if(last_obs_lon > 2.0_r8 * PI) last_obs_lon = last_obs_lon - 2.0_r8 * PI
- gc%lon_cyclic = .false.
- ! No gap was found: all 360 boxes had an observation in them
+if (gc%lon_cyclic) then
first_obs_lon = 0.0_r8
last_obs_lon = 2.0_r8 * PI
- gc%lon_cyclic = .true.
! Put in storage for structure
@@ -1462,8 +1474,17 @@
longitude_range = last_obs_lon - first_obs_lon
if(longitude_range <= 0.0_r8) longitude_range = longitude_range + 2.0_r8 * PI
gc%lon_width = longitude_range / nlon
-if(COMPARE_TO_CORRECT) write(*, *) 'lon bot, top, width ', gc%bot_lon, gc%top_lon, gc%lon_width
+ old_out = do_output()
+ call set_output(.true.)
+ write(errstring, *) 'lat bot, top, width ', gc%bot_lat, gc%top_lat, gc%lat_width
+ call error_handler(E_MSG, 'find_box_ranges', errstring)
+ write(errstring, *) 'lon bot, top, width ', gc%bot_lon, gc%top_lon, gc%lon_width
+ call error_handler(E_MSG, 'find_box_ranges', errstring)
+ call set_output(old_out)
end subroutine find_box_ranges
@@ -1681,6 +1702,45 @@
+function find_del_lon(minlat, maxlat, maxdist)
+! for the given latitudes, find the furthest longitude that is still
+! within maxdist away. this will be at a different latitude at any
+! location other than the equator. all values specified in radians.
+! distance returned in radians. if either lat is closer to the pole
+! than maxdist, it returns 2*PI.
+real(r8), intent(in) :: minlat, maxlat, maxdist
+real(r8) :: find_del_lon
+real(r8) :: a, b, c
+real(r8) :: latval, poleward_lat
+! find the most poleward of the two latitudes
+poleward_lat = max(abs(minlat), abs(maxlat))
+! if either latitude is within maxdist of either pole, return 2 PI
+! because you are now covering all possible longitudes.
+if (poleward_lat + maxdist > (PI / 2.0_r8)) then
+ find_del_lon = 2.0_r8 * PI
+ return
+! compute some values we will reuse a couple times
+a = cos(maxdist)
+b = sin(poleward_lat)
+c = cos(poleward_lat)
+! lat at which max offset is found
+latval = asin(b/a)
+! distance to furthest lon, at latval
+find_del_lon = acos((a - (b*sin(latval))) / (c*cos(latval)))
+end function find_del_lon
subroutine print_get_close_type(gc, amount)
! print out debugging statistics, or optionally print out a full
@@ -1714,7 +1774,7 @@
! short version. (this value prints about 5-6 lines of data.)
! to get a full dump, change print_box_level to 2 or more in the namelist.
howmuch = 0
-sample = 30
+sample = 10
mytask = my_task_id()
alltasks = task_count()
iam0 = (mytask == 0)
@@ -1727,23 +1787,42 @@
if (.not. write_now) howmuch = 0
+!! SPECIAL - debugging
+! if you enable debugging, maybe you want to turn it off for really
+! large counts? often it's easy to construct a case that has a lot of
+! locations from the state vector in one set of boxes, but just a few
+! locations from the observations in another. this lets you turn off
+! the debugging level for the large set and leave it on for the small.
+!if (gc%num > 100) howmuch = 0
! print the get_close_type derived type values
if (howmuch /= 0 .and. iam0) then
- write(errstring,*) 'get_close_type values for PE0 are:'
- call error_handler(E_MSG, 'locations_mod', errstring)
+ write(errstring,*) 'get_close_type values:'
+ call error_handler(E_MSG, 'loc', errstring)
write(errstring,*) ' num = ', gc%num
- call error_handler(E_MSG, 'locations_mod', errstring)
- write(errstring,*) ' maxdist = ', gc%maxdist
- call error_handler(E_MSG, 'locations_mod', errstring)
- write(errstring,*) ' bot_lat, top_lat = ', gc%bot_lat, gc%top_lat
- call error_handler(E_MSG, 'locations_mod', errstring)
- write(errstring,*) ' bot_lon, top_lon = ', gc%bot_lon, gc%top_lon
- call error_handler(E_MSG, 'locations_mod', errstring)
- write(errstring,*) ' lon_width, lat_width = ', gc%lon_width, gc%lat_width
- call error_handler(E_MSG, 'locations_mod', errstring)
+ call error_handler(E_MSG, 'loc', errstring)
+ write(errstring,*) ' nlon, nlat = ', nlon, nlat
+ call error_handler(E_MSG, 'loc', errstring)
+ write(errstring,"(A,F12.6)") ' maxdist = ', gc%maxdist
+ call error_handler(E_MSG, 'loc', errstring)
+ write(errstring, "(A,3(F12.6))") ' latbox: bot, top, width = ', gc%bot_lat, gc%top_lat, gc%lat_width
+ call error_handler(E_MSG, 'loc', errstring)
+ write(errstring, "(A,3(F12.6))") ' lonbox: bot, top, width = ', gc%bot_lon, gc%top_lon, gc%lon_width
+ call error_handler(E_MSG, 'loc', errstring)
+ write(errstring,"(A,F12.6)") ' maxdist = ', RAD2DEG*gc%maxdist
+ call error_handler(E_MSG, 'loc', errstring)
+ write(errstring, "(A,3(F12.6))") ' latbox: bot, top, width = ', RAD2DEG*gc%bot_lat, RAD2DEG*gc%top_lat, RAD2DEG*gc%lat_width
+ call error_handler(E_MSG, 'loc', errstring)
+ write(errstring, "(A,3(F12.6))") ' lonbox: bot, top, width = ', RAD2DEG*gc%bot_lon, RAD2DEG*gc%top_lon, RAD2DEG*gc%lon_width
+ call error_handler(E_MSG, 'loc', errstring)
write(errstring,*) ' lon_cyclic = ', gc%lon_cyclic
- call error_handler(E_MSG, 'locations_mod', errstring)
+ call error_handler(E_MSG, 'loc', errstring)
! this one can be very large. print only the first nth unless
@@ -1756,10 +1835,12 @@
call error_handler(E_MSG, 'locations_mod', errstring)
if (howmuch > 1) then
- write(errstring,*) ' obs_box(',i,') =', gc%obs_box ! (nobs)
+ write(errstring,"(A,I8,A,36(I8,1X))") ' obs_box(',i,') =', gc%obs_box(1:min(i,36)) ! (nobs)
+ !write(errstring,*) ' obs_box(',i,') =', gc%obs_box ! (nobs)
call error_handler(E_MSG, 'locations_mod', errstring)
else if(howmuch > 0) then
- write(errstring,*) ' obs_box(',i,') =', gc%obs_box(1:min(i,sample+1)) ! (nobs)
+ write(errstring,*) ' obs_box(',i,') =', gc%obs_box(1:min(i,sample+1))
call error_handler(E_MSG, 'locations_mod', errstring)
write(errstring,*) ' <rest of obs_box omitted>'
call error_handler(E_MSG, 'locations_mod', errstring)
@@ -1781,10 +1862,14 @@
call error_handler(E_MSG, 'locations_mod', errstring)
if (howmuch > 1) then
- write(errstring,*) ' start(',i,j,') =', gc%start ! (nlon, nlat)
+ write(errstring,*) ' start(',i,j,') =' ! (nlon, nlat)
call error_handler(E_MSG, 'locations_mod', errstring)
+ do k=1, j
+ write(errstring,"(36(I8,1X))") gc%start(1:min(i,36), k)
+ call error_handler(E_MSG, 'locations_mod', errstring)
+ enddo
else if (howmuch > 0) then
- write(errstring,*) ' start(',i,j,') =', gc%start(1:min(i,sample), 1) ! (nlon, nlat)
+ write(errstring,*) ' start(',i,j,') =', gc%start(1:min(i,sample), 1)
call error_handler(E_MSG, 'locations_mod', errstring)
write(errstring,*) ' <rest of start omitted>'
call error_handler(E_MSG, 'locations_mod', errstring)
@@ -1805,10 +1890,14 @@
call error_handler(E_MSG, 'locations_mod', errstring)
if (howmuch > 1) then
- write(errstring,*) ' lon_offset(',i,j,') =', gc%lon_offset ! (nlon, nlat)
+ write(errstring,*) ' lon_offset(',i,j,') =' ! (nlat, nlat)
call error_handler(E_MSG, 'locations_mod', errstring)
+ do k=1, j
+ write(errstring,"(36(I8,1X))") gc%lon_offset(1:min(i,36), k)
+ call error_handler(E_MSG, 'locations_mod', errstring)
+ enddo
else if (howmuch > 0) then
- write(errstring,*) ' lon_offset(',i,j,') =', gc%lon_offset(1:min(i,sample), 1) ! (nlon, nlat)
+ write(errstring,*) ' lon_offset(',i,j,') =', gc%lon_offset(1:min(i,sample), 1)
call error_handler(E_MSG, 'locations_mod', errstring)
write(errstring,*) ' <rest of lon_offset omitted>'
call error_handler(E_MSG, 'locations_mod', errstring)
@@ -1830,10 +1919,14 @@
call error_handler(E_MSG, 'locations_mod', errstring)
if (howmuch > 1) then
- write(errstring,*) ' count(',i,j,') =', gc%count ! (nlon, nlat)
+ write(errstring,*) ' count(',i,j,') =' ! (nlon, nlat)
call error_handler(E_MSG, 'locations_mod', errstring)
+ do k=1, j
+ write(errstring,"(36(I8,1X))") gc%count(1:min(i,36), k)
+ call error_handler(E_MSG, 'locations_mod', errstring)
+ enddo
else if (howmuch > 0) then
- write(errstring,*) ' count(',i,j,') =', gc%count(1:min(i,sample), 1) ! (nlon, nlat)
+ write(errstring,*) ' count(',i,j,') =', gc%count(1:min(i,sample), 1)
call error_handler(E_MSG, 'locations_mod', errstring)
write(errstring,*) ' <rest of count omitted>'
call error_handler(E_MSG, 'locations_mod', errstring)
Modified: DART/trunk/location/threed_sphere/location_mod.html
--- DART/trunk/location/threed_sphere/location_mod.html 2011-05-06 22:35:46 UTC (rev 4899)
+++ DART/trunk/location/threed_sphere/location_mod.html 2011-05-06 23:01:23 UTC (rev 4900)
@@ -265,8 +265,8 @@
and a second point at latitude <tt>φ<sub>f</sub></tt> that are separated
in longitude by <tt>Δλ</tt> is <br> <br>
- &theta = cos<sup>-1</sup>(sinφ<sub>s</sub>sinφ<sub>f</sub> +
- cosφ<sub>s</sub>cos&phi<sub>f</sub>cosΔλ)
+ θ = cos<sup>-1</sup>(sinφ<sub>s</sub>sinφ<sub>f</sub> +
+ cosφ<sub>s</sub>cosφ<sub>f</sub>cosΔλ)
</tt> <br> <br>
Taking the cos of both sides gives <br> <br>
@@ -276,18 +276,18 @@
Solving for <tt>cosΔλ</tt> gives <br> <br>
- = <sup>(<i>a</i> - <i>b</i> sin&phi<sub>f</sub>)</sup><big>/</big><sub>(<i>c</i> cosφ<sub>f</sub>)</sub>
+ = <sup>(<i>a</i> - <i>b</i> sinφ<sub>f</sub>)</sup><big>/</big><sub>(<i>c</i> cosφ<sub>f</sub>)</sub>
= <sup><i>a</i></sup><big>/</big><sub><i>c</i></sub> secφ<sub>f</sub> -
<sup><i>b</i></sup><big>/</big><sub><i>c</i></sub> tanφ<sub>f</sub>
</tt> <br> <br>
where <tt><i>a</i> = cosθ</tt> ,
<tt><i>b</i> = sinφ<sub>s</sub></tt> ,
-and <tt><i>c</i> = cos&phi<sub>s</sub></tt> .
+and <tt><i>c</i> = cosφ<sub>s</sub></tt> .
We want to maximize <tt>Δλ</tt> which implies minimizing
<tt>cosΔλ</tt> subject to constraints. Taking the
derivative with respect to <tt>φ<sub>f</sub></tt> gives <br> <br>
- <i><sup>(d</i> cosΔλ)</sup><big>/</big><sub>(<i>d</i>φ<sub>f</sub>)</sub> =
+ <sup>(<i>d</i> cosΔλ)</sup><big>/</big><sub>(<i>d</i>φ<sub>f</sub>)</sub> =
<sup><i>a</i></sup><big>/</big><sub><i>c</i></sub> secφ<sub>f</sub> tanφ<sub>f</sub>
- <sup><i>b</i></sup><big>/</big><sub><i>c</i></sub> sec<sup>2</sup>φ<sub>f</sub> = 0
</tt> <br> <br>
@@ -302,6 +302,17 @@
sinφ<sub>f</sub> = <sup><i>b</i></sup><big>/</big><sub><i>a</i></sub> =
</tt> <br> <br>
+So knowing
+base point (<tt>φ<sub>s</sub></tt>,
+latitude <tt>φ<sub>f</sub></tt>, and
+distance <tt>θ</tt> we can use the great circle equation to find
+the longitude difference at the greatest separation point <br> <br>
+ Δλ = cos<sup>-1</sup><big>(</big><sup>(<i>a</i> -
+(<i>b</i> sinφ<sub>f</sub>))</sup>
+ <big>/</big> <sub>(<i>c</i> cosφ<sub>f</sub>)</sub><big>)</big>
+</tt> <br> <br>
Note that if the angle between the base point and a pole is less than
or equal to the central angle, all longitude differences will occur
as the pole is approached.
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