CEDAR email: Call for papers for the A14 symposium on Advances in Mid-Latitude, Low-Latitude and Equatorial Aeronomy, during IAGA/IASPEI-2025

Venkatesh Kavutarapu venkateshk at prl.res.in
Thu Jan 16 07:56:14 MST 2025

Sub: Call for papers for the A14 symposium on Advances in Mid-Latitude,
Low-Latitude and Equatorial Aeronomy, during IAGA/IASPEI-2025
Dear Colleagues,
The joint scientific assembly of IAGA / IASPEI is scheduled to take place
at Lisbon, Portugal during 31 August to 5 September 2025. We invite
abstracts for the following session during this joint scientific assembly.
SESSION A14: Advances in Mid-Latitude, Low-Latitude and Equatorial Aeronomy
DESCRIPTION: Papers are invited for a symposium on the recent developments
in the field of equatorial, low-latitude and mid-latitude aeronomy from
observational (ground-based and space-borne), theoretical and simulation
studies. The Equatorial Electrojet, Equatorial Ionization Anomaly (EIA),
Equatorial Spread-F (ESF)/plasma bubbles, multiple F-layer stratifications,
Solar quiet current system, ionospheric disturbances induced by geomagnetic
storms (including its local magnetic effects), SSWs, present a strong
daily, day-to-day, and seasonal variability, mainly caused by the
ionospheric electrodynamics, thermospheric winds and wave actions (gravity
waves, tides, planetary waves, TIDs and MSTIDs). Recent multi-instrument
and multi-site observations, satellite borne experiments, as well as
theoretical and simulation investigations have advanced our understanding
of these phenomena, during both quiet and disturbed space weather
conditions including geomagnetic storms, the recent storm of 10 May 2024,
sub-storms, solar flares, solar eclipses, sudden stratospheric warmings and
different meteorological events. The objective of this symposium is to
bring together the experimentalists and theoreticians to survey the latest
results, examine new ideas and concepts, and to pave the way for future
directions in equatorial and low-latitude research. The session will
include both solicited and contributed (oral and poster) papers.
For abstract submission and more details, please visit
Last date for submission of abstracts: 12 MARCH 2025
With best regards
Yours sincerely,
Dr. K. Venkatesh (Convener)
Dr. Paulo R. Fagundes, Dr. Alessio Pignalberi, Dr. Clezio Marcos De Nardin
and Dr. Anna Morozova (Co-conveners)

    Assistant Professor
    Space and Atmospheric Sciences Division
    Physical Research Laboratory
    Navrangpura, Ahmedabad-380009, INDIA
    Email: venkateshk at prl.res.in; venkatkau at gmail.com
    Phone: +91-79-26314653
डॉ. के. वेंकटेश
असिस्टेंट प्रोफ़ेसर
अंतरिक्ष एवं वायुमंडलीय
विज्ञान प्रभाग
भौतिक अनुसन्धान प्रयोगशाला
नवरंगपुरा, अहमदाबाद-380009, भारत
ईमेल: venkateshk at prl.res.in; venkatkau at gmail.com
फ़ोन|: +91-79-26314653
यूआरएल: https://www.prl.res.in/~venkateshk/

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