CEDAR email: Science Programme Manager Position at ISSI (Switzerland)
Thierry Dudok de Wit
ddwit at cnrs-orleans.fr
Fri Jan 3 03:38:39 MST 2025
** Science Programme Manager Position at ISSI (Switzerland) **
The International Space Science Institute (ISSI) in Bern, Switzerland,
invites applications for a Science Programme Manager. We are seeking a
motivated scientist to take the role of Science Programme Manager at
ISSI as of April 1, 2025, negotiable.
This is a full-time staff position under Swiss law. The position is
permanent, and includes also a fraction of independent science time, to
be negotiated. Applicants for this position must have a doctorate in
either Astronomy and Astrophysics, Planetary, Heliophysics or Earth
Sciences. They should also have excellent interpersonal skills and be
able to work effectively in a small but diverse team and with senior
management in the Institute’s Directorate. A demonstrated ability to
interact with the international scientific community, together with
excellent communication skills are essential requirements. Programme
management knowledge and experience would be an asset for the success of
this position, and a proactive attitude to solve problems.
Interested scientists should submit their applications, including a
cover letter and curriculum vitae in one single pdf file through the
online submission form below no later than January 30, 2025. Further
information may be obtained by contacting Dominique Fuchs
(dominique.fuchs at issibern.ch)
A full description of the position is available here:
Thierry Dudok de Wit
Lab. de Physique et Chimie de l'Environnement et de l'Espace
LPC2E, CNRS/CNES/Univ. Orléans
3A avenue de la Recherche Scientifique
F-45071 Orléans cedex 2 Tel. +33 238 25 52 77
France ddwit at cnrs-orleans.fr
International Space Science Institute
Hallerstrasse 6
CH-3012 Bern Tel. +41 31 684 34 84
Switzerland ddwit at issibern.ch
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