CEDAR email: AOGS 2025 session AS33: Remote and In-situ Sensing and Modelling of the Chemistry and Dynamics of the Middle and Upper Atmosphere

Stefan Bender sbender at iaa.es
Mon Feb 17 02:41:33 MST 2025

Dear colleagues,

One day left to submit your abstract to AOGS 2025, 18 Feb 2025, 23:39 Singapore time UTC+8).
We urge you and your colleagues to present your research at our AOGS session AS33,
"Remote and In-situ Sensing and Modelling of the Chemistry and Dynamics of the Middle and Upper Atmosphere"
at the 22nd AOGS in-person meeting in Singapore on 27 July -- 01 August 2025.

For details on the AOGS Meeting and abstract submission, please visit:
https://www.asiaoceania.org/ and
as well as <https://www.asiaoceania.org/aogs2025/public.asp?page=submissions.asp#SA>
for abstract submissions.

Session Description:

AS33 - Remote and In-situ Sensing and Modelling of the Chemistry and Dynamics of the Middle and Upper Atmosphere

The Earth's middle and upper atmosphere and ionosphere maintain a balance between solar radiative and particle forcing from above, and the action of atmospheric waves rising up from below. Quantifying how these forces drive the general circulation and waves in the atmosphere and control both the chemical balance and its temporal and spatial variability is crucial to understanding how composition, momentum, and energy couple together and structure the atmosphere and ionosphere. As a result, remote sensing and in-situ investigations, as well as the laboratory and modelling studies that complement and explain these observations, are the primary tools used to understand the aeronomy of this region. This session will look at recent results from those ground-based, in-situ and satellite-borne observations, modelling studies and relevant laboratory research. It will bring together studies of new sensing techniques and sensors, models and mission concepts, currently being planned or under development, to foster new collaborations, furthering the impact of their integrated results on our understanding of the stratosphere, mesosphere and ionosphere/thermosphere.

The meeting will be held in-person from July 27 to August 01 2025. 
Abstract submissions are open and due February 18 2025.
For details on the AOGS Meeting and abstract submission, please visit
https://www.asiaoceania.org/ and

We hope that you can accept our call to contribute a paper to our
session and look forward to meeting you in Singapore at the 22nd

With best regards from your session convenors,
Stefan Bender, Iain Reid, Jeng-Hwa Yee, and Jia Jia

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