CEDAR email: Message for the CEDAR mailing list to solicit contributions to the "CEDAR Maker's Club" workshop at CEDAR 2024

Mark Conde mgconde at alaska.edu
Wed May 22 18:52:09 MDT 2024

CEDAR Community:

We are excited to invite the CEDAR community to attend the first-ever 
"CEDAR Maker's Club" break-out workshop during the annual CEDAR meeting.

This workshop will be devoted to exchanging ideas for in-house 
designs/builds/hacks of CEDAR-relevant equipment and technology – 
instruments or instrument components, optical designs, circuit designs, 
micro-controllers, antenna designs, 3D printable parts, analysis codes, 
cloud sensors, etc. Student designs and student builds are especially 
encouraged. We anticipate presentations that showcase technology 
developed by CEDAR experimenters, that may be useful to others in the 
community. Where appropriate, presenters could bring along physical 
examples of devices they've built for a CEDAR application.

Sharing of designs and application notes with other workshop attendees 
is encouraged (but not required) for presentations at the workshop. 
Please contact one of the conveners listed below if you would like to 
present a CEDAR-relevant maker project in this workshop.

    Mark Conde (mgconde at alaska.edu)
    Nathaniel Frissell (nathaniel.frissell at scranton.edu)
    Kristina Lynch (Kristina.A.Lynch at dartmouth.edu)
    Dave Hysell (david.hysell at cornell.edu)
    Kylee Branning (kbranning at alaska.edu)

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