CEDAR email: CEDAR Session Focussing on CubeSat Enabled Science

Rebecca L Bishop Rebecca.L.Bishop at aero.org
Wed May 15 09:36:18 MDT 2024

Dear Colleagues:

Please consider participating in the CEDAR Workshop Session: “Enhancing Our Understanding of the Ionosphere/Thermosphere through CubeSat Mission”. The session is Thursday, June 13th at 10 am. The purpose of the session is to highlight current and potential future science returns involving CubeSats observations of the ionosphere and thermosphere. Below is an extended description of the session.  If you are interested in presenting results, please reach out to one of the convenors.

Rebecca Bishop; Rebecca.bishop at aero.org<mailto:Rebecca.bishop at aero.org>

Bryce Halter; Bryce.Halter at colorado.edu<mailto:Bryce.Halter at colorado.edu>

Aimee Merkel; aimee.merkel at lasp.colorado.edu<mailto:aimee.merkel at lasp.colorado.edu>

Scott Palo; scott.palo at colorado.edu<mailto:scott.palo at colorado.edu>

Diana Swanson; diana.swanson at unh.edu<mailto:diana.swanson at unh.edu>

Charles Swenson; charles.swenson at usu.edu<mailto:charles.swenson at usu.edu>

Maggie Zheng; Maggie.Zheng at lasp.colorado.edu<mailto:Maggie.Zheng at lasp.colorado.edu>

Enhancing Our Understanding of the Ionosphere/Thermosphere Through CubeSat Missions
In the past five years, a number of CubeSat missions have successfully provided observations of the Ionosphere and lower thermosphere. Missions such as SORTIE, IDEASSat, INSPIREsat1, DAILI, SPORT, and LLITED have provided a range of neutral and plasma measurements at altitudes below 550 km from a variety of instruments. This workshop focusses on the contributions of past, current, and future NSF and NASA CubeSat missions and the role of their observational data in ongoing IT studies. The three objectives of the workshop are:
1. Highlight observations and science returns from recent CubeSat missions.
2. Forge collaborations among current and future CubeSat missions along with ground-based instruments and facilities for expanded studies and enhanced science returns.
3. Promote observational capabilities of soon-to-be launched IT CubeSats.

    Rebecca L. Bishop, Ph.D
    Principal Scientist
    Phone: 310-336-1750

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