CEDAR email: PhD position at the Catholic University of America (CUA)

Jack Wang wangjc at cua.edu
Thu May 9 04:14:08 MDT 2024

Dear colleagues,

The Institute for Astrophysics and Computational Sciences at the Catholic
University of America (CUA)'s Physics Department is seeking a Ph.D. student
to advance understanding of thermospheric dynamics and lower
atmosphere-thermosphere coupling through satellite measurements and
state-of-the-art whole atmosphere model simulations.

One research assistantship is available starting in Fall 2024 or Spring
2025. The position offers a stipend, health benefits, and a tuition waiver.
Experience in meteorology, atmospheric physics, or space weather, along
with strong programming skills, is desired. Candidates with technical
backgrounds in other fields who are interested in space weather
applications and upper atmosphere model development are also encouraged to
apply (e.g., physics, applied mathematics, or a closely related
discipline). The student will have the opportunities to work with
scientists at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, National Center for
Atmospheric Research, and Naval Research Lab.

Prospective students are invited to contact Jack Wang (wangjc at cua.edu)
for additional information. Application information of Graduate Programs in
CUA Physics is available at
Jack C. Wang, PhD. (he/him/his)
Research Scientist
CCMC, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Code 674, Greenbelt, MD
Department of Physics, Catholic University of America, Washington, DC
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