CEDAR email: Invitation 2024 CEDAR Workshop: Polar Vortex and ITM Coupling

Gasperini, Federico (Orion) federico.gasperini at arcfield.com
Tue May 7 15:23:50 MDT 2024

Dear colleagues,

We would like to invite you to participate in our 2024 CEDAR Workshop session dedicated to the Polar Vortex and its connections to the Ionosphere-Thermosphere-Mesosphere (ITM) system. Through a tutorial talk and recent science highlights, this session aims to solicit discussions on whole atmosphere interconnections between the strato-mesospheric polar vortices and the ITM system. The session welcomes observational, modeling, and theoretical investigations that explore the coupling between terrestrial weather and the ITM system across spatiotemporal scales.

This session<https://cedarscience.org/workshop/2024-workshop-polar-vortex-and-itm-connections> is scheduled to take place on Thursday, 13 June 2024 from 13:30-15:30 PDT in room Harborside. Please monitor the workshop agenda<https://cedarscience.org/2024-workshop-agenda> for any possible changes to the room or day/time of the session.

Interested speakers are encouraged to contact Federico Gasperini (federico.gasperini at arcfield.com<mailto:federico.gasperini at arcfield.com>), or one of the co-convenors, by Thursday, May 16, and indicate whether they plan to attend in person or remotely. Student and early-career talks are particularly welcome.

We look forward to your attendance and contributions!

Best regards,

Federico Gasperini (on behalf of the session convenors)
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