CEDAR email: GEOSCOPR - Community Survey for Geospace Modeling Needs

Dogacan Ozturk dsozturk at alaska.edu
Mon May 6 20:10:46 MDT 2024

Dear colleagues,

As a part of our "Geospace Exploration and Observation with Scientific
Collaboration in Polar Regions (GEOSCOPR)" efforts, we are reaching out to
invite you to participate in a community survey to determine numerical
modelling needs for Geospace Research. GEOSCOPR aims to assess the vitality
of our scientific community, identify important scientific priorities, and
begin to organize and plan for the upcoming IPY2032 with a particular
emphasis on our Antarctic polar research program. Your responses are
invaluable for the future of polar geospace research.

You can access the short survey via this link:

For more information, please don't hesitate to contact: dsozturk at alaska.edu.

Doğacan Su Öztürk, Ph.D. (she/her)
Research Assistant Professor
UAF - Geophysical Institute
e-mail: dsozturk at alaska.edu
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