CEDAR email: Announcement of Upcoming NASA Heliophysics Advisory Committee Meeting

Paul Cassak pacassak at mix.wvu.edu
Sun May 5 07:38:16 MDT 2024

Dear CEDAR Community,

	The next meeting of the NASA Heliophysics Advisory Committee (HPAC) will take place June 17-18, 2024. The purpose of HPAC is to provide community advice to leadership of the Heliophysics Division, and is governed by Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA) rules. The meeting has been announced in the Federal Register (https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2024/04/15/2024-07834/heliophysics-advisory-committee-meeting). The meetings are open to the public, and there is a brief opportunity for members of the public to speak. The WebEx link for remote participation is at the Federal Register page.  In person attendance by the public is also permitted if they have pre-submitted a visitor request; see the Federal Register link for information.

	The meeting will take place from 10am-5pm on Monday, June 17, and from 9:30am-5pm on Tuesday, June 18, all in Eastern time.

	Past activities of HPAC are available at the HPAC website: https://science.nasa.gov/researchers/nac/science-advisory-committees/hpac <https://science.nasa.gov/researchers/nac/science-advisory-committees/hpac>. Please monitor the website for updates to any of the above information.

	Finally, in case you did not see the recent announcements, note there are HPAC committee member positions that are in need of filling, so please consider self-nominations or encouraging others to self-nominate to give back to the community and help provide the NASA Heliophysics Division advice on its activities.

	Please let me know if you have questions.

		Paul Cassak

Paul Cassak 
Associate Director, Center for KINETIC Plasma Physics
Department of Physics and Astronomy
White Hall, Box 6315 
West Virginia University 
Morgantown, WV 26506 
Phone: 304-293-5102
Fax: 304-293-5732

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