CEDAR email: AGU Session "Re-Envisioning the Postdoctoral Experience in Earth and Space Sciences"

Mark Moldwin mmoldwin at umich.edu
Mon Jun 24 08:31:36 MDT 2024

Dear Space Physics Colleagues,

We invite you to submit an abstract to ED033: Re-Envisioning the 
Postdoctoral Experience in Earth and Space Sciences for the AGU24 
Conference in Washington DC. We welcome contributions that describe new 
postdoctoral training opportunities, professional development programs, 
and support structures from within individual labs, institutions and 
nationally. Contributions from postdocs who are working within their 
institution for change are encouraged.

The deadline for all submissions isWednesday, 31 July 2024at 23:59 EDT. 
Abstracts will not be accepted for review after this date.

See https://www.agu.org/annual-meeting for meeting information and 
abstract submission portal and 
https://agu.confex.com/agu/agu24/prelim.cgi/Session/225534 for the 
session description.

Hope to see you in DC at AGU24, Mark Moldwin, Aixa Aleman-Diaz and 
Loraine Martell-Bonet

Session Title: ED033 
Re-Envisioning the Postdoctoral Experience in Earth and Space Sciences

Section: Education

Postdoctoral researchers play a vital role in advancing the Earth and 
Space Sciences (ESS) and professions. The apprentice model of 
postdoctoral training provides highly specialized skills to support 
discovery science and the development of innovative technologies while 
postdoctoral scientists develop their own independent careers and career 
identities. However, the traditional model does not support the 
development of a diverse, inclusive, thriving, and sustainable ESS 
community. Recent reports by NIH, NSF, the National Academies, and the 
National Postdoctoral Association (NPA) highlight the need for 
re-envisioning the postdoctoral experience. This session welcomes 
contributions to re-imagine new postdoctoral training, programs, and 
support structures from within individual labs, institutions and 
nationally. One of the goals of this session is to develop an AGU 
community to support postdoctoral training, inclusive mentoring, and the 
sharing of leading practices. This session convenes partners across 
sectors to provide tools, tactics, and strategies for postdoctoral 
researchers to thrive.

Mark Moldwin
Arthur F. Thurnau Professor
Professor of Climate and Space Sciences and Engineering
Director UM Office of Postdoctoral Affairs
Faculty Director M-STEM's M-Engin Program
Executive Director of NASA's Michigan Space Grant Consortium
University of Michigan
Space Research Building, Room 1418
2455 Hayward St.
Ann Arbor MI, 48109-2143
(734) 647-3370 FAX: (734) 647-3083
I am a Individual with Reporting Obligations (IRO) and Campus Security Authority (CSA).

Why DE&I?
Diversity - Diverse groups produce better outcomes and is intrinsic to building a just society and undoing years of systemic racism.
Equity - Everybody deserves to be treated fairly
Inclusion - Inclusive environments expand opportunities for everyone

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One way to practice these values is to share personal gender pronouns.
My name is Mark and I use he, him, his pronouns. What pronouns do you use?

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